Chapter 4

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The room smelt of perfume and strawberry scented hairspray, two things that I honestly can't stand. I also couldn't stand the girl right in front of me. The one and only Chelsea Summers stood right in the middle of the room with a fake smile on her face. Her auburn hair was neatly braided back into a long ponytail that was covered in little hair gems. Her blue eyes were shining like usual but I could see the evil glare they gave off. How I despise of the mutant. Always bragging about her abilities, even though no one has ever seen her use hem. She is my biggest enemy.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Chelsea put her hands on her hips and gave a little pout. I couldn't believe what she was wearing. Who needs to wear a Kardashian Kids skirt on their first day. I ignored Chelsea's rude comment and walked towards the other bunk bed where I was planning to unpack. The bottom bunk was already covered in bags which meant I had a bunk buddy. It had better be someone nice.

I climbed onto the top bunk and saw a sign that read my name. This bed was reserved for me, how nice. I unloaded my bag with all of my stationary and books before shoving them into the black backpack the school provided me with. Just like every year I lifted up my pillow and found my paper timetable. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and read my timetable as I left my new room. Kymera was talking to Chelsea and neither of them seemed to be worrying about the possibility of them being late. I slammed the door behind me just for the sake of it and joined the kids that were walking down the hall. That is where I spotted the white haired boy that the Maximoff girl had pointed at. I walked over to him but he just looked at the ground and paid me no attention.

"Hello." I tried to sound as upbeat and cheerful as possible but the boy just continued to watch the ground. Must be interesting for him. Honestly looking at the floor is only good if you are admiring people's shoes. I do that a lot. "Are you one of the Maximoff's?' The kids head shot up and I could see his blue eyes studying me.

"I'm a Maximoff, what of it?" He spoke with an Eastern European accent and he seemed angry at me for some reason. I wasn't sure whether I should answer his question or not. He definitely spoke louder than his sister whom I spoke to earlier. She was so quiet that I could only catch three words.

"Your sister helped me this morning. She told me she had a brother." It was difficult talking and walking at the same time. Especially when the Maximoff boy had much longer strides than me. I felt like I was speed walking every now and again to catch up to him.

"Okay. Sorry about my ignorance. I am only new and I have no idea where I am meant to be." Usually I enjoy laughing at all of the new kids wandering around like a lost tourist. Except the Maximoff's seemed nice and I did need more friends. He's also really smart. I'm sure I heard him use the word ignorance. What does that even mean?

"Well my name is Scarlet Romanoff. No matter what rumours you hear, I am not an assassin." I had to clear that nickname off quickly so I actually stood a chance at getting a friend. Not that he seemed to be paying much attention to me.

"I'm Pietro Maximoff. Son of the Scarlet Witch and Vision." Pietro stopped and offered his hand to me. I shook it and then he handed me his timetable. I was amazed to see that he was in my class. Pietro was taller than me which made me assume that he was older. Then again, most people are taller than me. I handed his timetable back to him and told him to follow me.

I had no idea who either of his parents were but they hopefully weren't villains. I have heard all the rumours about the secret agency Hydra that is supposedly being run through SHIELD. Once Nicholas Parker even tried to convince Nathaniel that villains children were among us. Nathaniel didn't believe him but I did. What if Chelsea is evil? I would love bashing her up and then arresting her. Everyone would know my name and maybe Mom would finally be proud of me. The only flaw in that plan is everything.

"Scarlet, are you alright?" Pietro was standing in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face. I did it again. I froze right in the middle of the hallway where everyone could see. Some kids were laughing at me while others were too busy worrying about being late to class.

"Sorry. I tend to freeze." Even though I was embarrassed I tried not to show it. I will admit that it is difficult when there are people freezing all around me now just to tease me. Pietro was minding his own business and walking alongside me. He would look up every now and then, but he just looked away from most people. We finally found classroom twelve and I quickly walked in the door. Most children were still out in the hallway so there was only five other kids in the class. I took a seat in the back corner of the classroom where no one normally chose to sit. Pietro left me to go sit with his sister which I fully understood. I looked around at the other four kids in the class. One of them was Danielle Cage, the daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. She was chatting to her friends Valeria Richards and Zachary Wilson. Sitting at the front of the classroom was Cassandra Lang, the daughter of Ant Man.

I started to unpack my bag and cover my desk in books and pencils. It would be great when the teachers finally get bigger desks for us. Nathaniel told me that the desks in his classroom are ginormous. They are apparently that big that Daniel McCoy can fit under them when he mutates into a big, blue, hairy beast. Daniel is also one of the only kids in my school that can use his mutant powers. Most of the middle school kids have abilities but only a few in elementary. Chelsea Summers says she's one of the few with working abilities. Even though I don't believe it a bit.

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