"I feel good about this Derek. I have a feeling you will find success today." Talia smiled brightly, her brilliant smile flashing like a lightning bolt. Another thing that draws people in.

Derek led the way down the stairs of the mansion, his mother following after. There, his family stood, ready to say their goodbyes for the day.

"Good luck baby bro." Laura smiled, before yanking Derek in for a bone crushing hug. She rubbed her palm briefly on his neck, comforting Derek with her scent. She pulled back, smiling.

"Just don't forget that billions of people will be waiting patiently to find out if you have found the one."

Derek sighed. This was the truth. Due to the Hale's being known nationally, everyone knew Alpha Derek Hale was without an omega, which caused much speculation. They also knew he had attempted to find an omega for years. Many chalked it up to him being racist, thinking he was too good for an omega, while some thought he was too picky, with only a few sympathizers in the world.

"Thank you for that Laura." Derek nodded, frowning. It didn't exactly make him comfortable knowing that everyone knew who he was.

When he got the invitation in the mail, he almost declined it. Every convention he had been to had almost been catered towards him. Each seller would jump out at him, trying to sell their omegas to him. Alphas would clear out and leave the omega they were looking at when Derek came around, making him frown, which only scared people off more.

The omegas would throw themselves at him, knowing how good of an Alpha Derek would be to them. They would try to get his attention in any way possible, by touching him, purring at him, and saying vulgar things. This only made Derek want to leave. The omegas weren't even supposed to speak or touch the Alphas, but they always seemed to want to break the rules for Derek.

Alphas would try to talk to Derek at the convention, seizing the time to talk about pack relations and territory. As soon as they saw the expression on Derek's face though, they backed down. It was almost as if many of the Alphas only came because they knew Derek was going to be there.

"You're going to do fine. You're a fantastic Alpha, anyone can see that." Talia smiled brightly.

Maybe that was the problem. Too many people saw Derek for how he was portrayed and wouldn't look past the surface. They saw what they wanted to see, an attractive, strong, well-known, Alpha. They didn't want to get to know Derek, they just wanted him.

This is what Derek chalked up to be the biggest problem at all. Even if he chose to take an omega home, he wouldn't be happy. He would have to provide for someone he didn't want to, someone he didn't love. Of course there also was always the issue of bringing home an omega who just wanted Derek for his status, pack, money, or secrets.

Bringing home an omega as an Alpha was dangerous and many were skeptical because of this. Many talk show hosts put in their two cents by believing Derek should remain without an omega, while others criticized these beliefs. Omegas were a valuable part to the pack and to Alphas themselves, but many thought it was too risky with a prominent pack like the Hales.

Of course, there were others that thought that belief was ridiculous as well, everyone knew you couldn't take on the Hales. Everyone who had tried is dead. No one would dare infiltrate the Hale mansion or their pack, right?

These were thoughts that Derek had processed for years, but hadn't really come up with an answer or solution, so he just kept going to the conventions, hoping to find an omega.

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