we danced for what seemed like hours, in truth only minutes as we converse as we dance, before father cuts in and danced with me and James had disappeared else where. "you've grown rather fond of Commodore Norrington." father says and my face heats "h-he's one of the very few I'm comfortable being around.. I can't talk to Elizabeth most of the time.. she and I share little to none in common interests.." I say, looking elsewhere. Father chuckles and twirls me slightly. I felt the warm rays of the sun through my gloved hands briefly and was started by it as I withdrew it quickly. "are you sure you don't feel anything more than friendship with the Commodore?" father questions "...he may be paying attention to me so much.. but Elizabeth is a better pair for him... he belongs in the sea, where the warm sun shines on... I can barely be out without so much coverage on my body... I can't even tie my hair up because I needed it to cover my back..." I say, trying to hide my sadness, but father seemed to see right through me as he nearly protest but was cut off by the sound of James yelling for Elizabeth. Father made a dash for it and I started to grow faint.. I stare the ocean and there was a pulse.. 'deity imprisoned in human form... beware of pirates....' I hear in my head as I clutch it before my whole world blackens.

James Norrington POV
after Sparrow was captured at Mr. Browns's Blacksmiths' shop, I head back to the fort and noticed people gathering around something, or someone. a few Navy men was carrying a woman elsewhere and was giving her shade with a familiar cream colored parasol. I instantly ran towards the men and saw Maria, unconscious. "Commodore, right after you and the governor left, young Miss Swann fainted for no reason. her breathing is fine, we suspect the reason could be the heat..." an officer tells me as he came to my side. 'I couldn't rescue Elizabeth, and now, I wasn't even here to catch Maria...' I scowled at myself as I ordered the men to carefully take her home.. Disappointed at myself, I went to my office and buried myself in paperwork.

Late at twilight, Governor Swann came to my office and offered a stroll as he wanted to speak with me. "Has my daughter given you an answer yet?" he asks "no.. I actually haven't asked her yet.." I answer, thinking of Maria... "haven't you? I thought you asked Elizabeth.." he said, confused "..I am sorry to disappoint, Governor.. I may have my eyes on Elizabeth for years.. but Maria is truly the one that stole my heart several years ago... I merely called out Elizabeth to seek advice about her sister.. and I wanted to gain your blessing before everything else..." I confessed and Governor Swann, who I thought would rage, lets out a hearty laugh. "I must admit, Commodore. I'm a tad bit disappointed in you, but also very glad to hear that as my youngest of two would not have her heart broken after all." I froze for a few seconds"i-I don't quite understand.." I say as confusion laced my voice "Maria fancies you, Commodore.. although, she doesn't admit nor see that she does, I know my daughter, and the warm twinkle in her eyes to say that she's in love you." Governor states and I couldn't be more happier to hear what I just heard.. but that happiness is put on hold as I heard a faint 'Boom' from the distance. I look towards the open sea and saw an in-coming canon ball. "what was that?" the governor asks "Canon fire!" I jumped and tackled him to safety before I got up and gave orders. "Governor! Barricade yourself in my office!" I see him hesitate and with a loud and powerful voice, I shout "That's an order!" I noticed as the governor made way to my office, he came face-to-face with a pirate. I immediate jump from the heights, landing to a roll and just in time, block the slash of the filthy pirate with my long-sword. "Men! Swords and pistols!" I order as I protect the governor from several pirates.. The battle goes on, but I can't help but worry for Maria who could be in horrid danger.. but after about half an hour, the pirates seemed to slowly retreat. Slightly confused of the situation, I let them off and be, but by dawn, I swore as soon as most of my men have woken and are fully rested, I will hunt every single last of them. I had the Governor escorted back to his manor, but the offireturned sooner. "Commodore, sir! there has been an incident at the Swann Manor." Gillette reports and my head snapped towards him "what?" I demanded an answer. "we discovered that Miss Swann had been taken, sir! but the younger miss is unharmed but seemed to have fallen ill." I was relieved to hear about Maria, but to have her separated with her sister will bring her great depression, and I plan not to propose to her until I save her sister.

With only a couple of hours of sleep, I woke and got ready as quick as I can to start my plan of action. Governor Swann joins me at my office. "Governor, how's Maria?" I ask with pure concern "she's still .. hasn't woken.. but I have doctors looking after her.." he answers. I sigh in relief and look back at the map and continue to plan as officers starts to gather around me and the governor as we look at the possibilities. Turner then burst through my doors with an axe and sword at hand. "They've taken her! They've taken Elizabeth!" he exclaims, making us stare at him "We're aware of the situation." I growl in irritation "We have to hunt them down-- and save her!" clearly, I wasn't the only one bothered and annoyed with his presence as Governor Swann snaps at him. "Where do you suppose we start? If you have any information that concerns my daughter, then share it! If anyone does, tell me!" Governor exclaims and that made Turner silent "Leave, Mr. Turner.." then Murtogg, a fellow officer, spoke "that Jack Sparrow... he talked about the Black Pearl.." "Mentioned it, is more what he did.." Mullroy, another officer says "Still--" they were about to argue but Turner spoke out of turn. "We can ask him where it's heading-- maybe he can lead us to it!" Turner spoke with enthusiasm but Governor snaps at him again "That pirate threatened to kill my daughter! We could never trust a word he say!" "We could strike a bargain--" this time, I cut him off, irritated by his presence "No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell. Ergo, he is not their ally, and therefore of no value.. We will determine their most likely course, and launch a search mission that sails with the tide." I tell him and he slams in axe into the desk, through the map. "that's not good enough! This is Elizabeth's life!" I snap at him "Mr. Turner, this is not the time for rash actions.. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here that cares for Elizabeth's safety.. Now, go home." I order and with clenched teeth, he turns and leaves.

Later this day, I had my men prepare HMS Interceptor to set course when Gillette alarmed me. "Commodore!" he point towards HMS Dauntless. I took out my spyglass and took a look. At the distance I can hear Groves screaming "Commodore! Sparrow and Turner had taken over the ship!" I direct my spyglass to the HMS Dauntless and saw Turner "Rash, Turner.. too Rash.." then Sparrow came to view "That is, without a doubt, the worst pirate I have ever seen." I comment then shorten my spyglass. "Men! Ready the Interceptor!" I order and board the ship. Once ready, we raced to the side of the slowly moving Dauntless. The deck seemed to be empty as the grappling hooks were thrown, some swung to the desk while other climb to the sides as the sailors drew the two ships together and connected them with a plank. "Search ever cabin, every hold, down to the bilges!" I order as I stepped on the Dauntless.. but I noticed something off.. I turned and saw the Interceptor leaving. "Sailors! Back to the Interceptor!" I order, but it was too far a head to swing to. "Thank you, Commodore, for getting our ship ready to make way! We'd've had a hard time of it by ourselves!" the pirate mocks me "Raise the sails.." I order Gillette "The winds is quarter from astern... by the time we're underway, we'll never catch them." he says "We need only to come about, to put them in range for the long nines.." he seemed shocked but relays it anyway. "We are to fire at our own ship?" he asks "I'd rather see it at the bottom of the sea than in the hands of a pirate.." I say as we ready to fire, but the Steersman reports the rudder chain had been disabled.. I let out a sigh. "He's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen.." Gillette says beside me. "So it would seem.... repair the rudder chain and make way back to the docks.. we'll be using the Dauntless.. so have it ready as soon as possible.." I order "yes, sir!"

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