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Twilight look at the box with resentment. A minute ago she'd been able to hear the hum of speaking, but now everything in there was ultra quiet. She coughed.
"What do you think they're doing?" Twilight asked casually.
"I don't know!" Rainbow Dash said, as if it had been digging at her mind aswell. Fluttershy shrugged. Twilight could see something in her eyes: a mixture of sadness and something else, she didn't quite know what though. Pinkie Pie kept looking at her friends, mouth firmly shut. Twilight's scientific mind tried to figure out what this look meant for Pinkie.
"What do you think, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked. Pinkie laughed nervously.
"I don't know!" she laughed, then she sped off. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Pinkie knows" she thought. The bodyguards eyed them all suspiciously, standing close to box. Twilight sighed, defeated. How come she'd forgotten her old favourite, the invisibility spell?

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