bisexual is not bigender!!

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hey guess who's back after days not updating?? mE!! well i got inspired by some people who confuse different sexualities with other stuff so like,, im gonna explain? not really because im not an expert on anything but i'll do the ones im familiar with in alphabetical order because the list im skimming though in a website is arranged like that so !!

soz if there's anything wrong¡

is an "ally" part of lgbtqa+?

well if you ask me, i would say no tbh because like, the "a" in the abbreviation "lgbtqa+" is supposed to stand for the asexuals, agenders, aromantics, and the other sexualities that start with "a"

before we dive in to the other stuff, an ally is a cis person who is straight that fully supports the lgbtq no matter the race, the sexuality, and the gender!!


definition: having both male and female characteristics or qualities

i've read a book about this once and i didn't think it was actually a thing so i was very very confused but i've searched it up and yes, it's actually a thing!! androgynous people are born with the anatomy of both a male and female


if you haven't noticed, the prefix "a" means "lack of" or "none" and that's pretty understandable. agenders have no gender, so make sure to address them with a gender neutral pronoun (even if your school thinks that "he/she is a gender neutral pronoun smh)


this is when you genuinely don't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone regardless of who they are and what they do. it's not just "oh well i don't wanna date anyone at the moment might as well become aromantic." this is not temporary. it's something that is with you for the rest of your life okay?


having none or only a teeny tiny bit of sexual attraction. again, it is different from "i am scared of having intercouse so i'll become asexual." or "i wanna stay a virgin for the rest of my life so now i guess i'm asexual?"


yes, this is pretty interesting!! it's in the title too. a bunch of people interchange this with bisexual like this:

"wait if he came out as bisexual, am i supposed to call him a he/she?" i hear that a lot.


two genders


this is being attracted to both males and females. it can vary though. like, your preference can be 70% boys and 30% girls or just 50-50.

but look at this:

there is a young dude who is bisexual. he prefers girls but he also likes boys too! if he dates a girl, it doesn't mean he's already straight. he's still bisexual. even if he gets married to a girl, he still identifies as bisexual. the fact that he gets married to a girl (and not a boy) doesn't erase his bisexuality.

you don't have to get married/be in a relationship to both a boy and a girl to still identify as bisexual. idk i hope this made sense!!


this means that you have to develop a strong and intimate bond with someone to actually have an attraction to them. if you don't have a good and deep relationship with someone, then you won't be attracted to them.

FtM and MtF

you might've seen some of these abbreviations before?? kinda??

FtM = female to male

someone born female now identifies as a male

MtF = male to female

a person who was born a male identifies as a female


this is self-explanatory


a person who is gender fluid may feel like a male today, but feel like a female tomorrow. sometimes it lasts for more than one day: one week feeling like a boy, then the other feeling like a girl


pretty well-known already, i guess i should skip this


a person who is attracted to anyone regardless of gender/sexuality. the preference also varies just like bisexuality!!


trans* is when you are referring to the transgender community (based on what i read) and transgender is when you identify as a different gender from what gender you were born as


some of the trans* community like these pronouns better and they replace "his/her"

they are also pronounced as "zee" and "here"


i hope i didn't get anything wrong¿? if i didn't get to explain something clearly, always trust google (and maybe a close friend who knows a lot)

bYE this was a pretty serious chapter, i should start doing more of these things

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