weird people

322 35 21

ok so let me start the backstory:

recently, a local movie released and it's about how this general foight for the independence of the filipinos from the americans in the year 1898 or so

the main characters were obviously the heroes and the presidents and stuff ok

and there's this one character who sits on a chair throughout the whole movie and young adults (who are in college, omg) are asking things like "tf is with that dude why doesnt he stand up lmao!! he must be lazy"


he's fUcking criPpled oNF


i mean, seriously???? they taught that to us in elementary school and you guys are in college wow that's amazing

i don't get why they don't know he can't walk, it's basic education for the kids in the philippines cmon

peace out im so embarrassed

question of the day: worst thing you heard someone say?

answer: there's this guy in my class who isn't black but he says the n* word a lot and i tell him to stop but he still saYs IT A LOT UDJDJDKDJD

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