#7 Have Certainty that Allah will Answer You

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Dua is your special power gifted by Allah, but it's power only depends on how powerfully YOU use it.


#7 Tip - Have Certainty that Allah will Answer You

Allah says:
And when My servants ask of you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.
[Sûrat Al-Baqarah, 2:186]

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught us:
Ask Allah with certainty that He will answer your prayers. (Tirmidhi)

You may have been asking for years and feel that Allah is not listening. But nothing is further from the truth.
What's the benefit of praying, crying, begging Allah -and then thinking in your head and in your heart, "Allah isn't going to listen to me. He's not going to give me
what I want. He's going to give me the opposite of what I'm asking for."

Where is the blessing in that?
Why would Allah answer you when you don't even have confidence that He will?

Allah tells us in a Qudsi Ḥadîth:
I am as my servant thinks I am. (Bukhâri)

In other words, when you pray, believe He WILL answer you and give you not just what you want, but what's even better than that and what's best for you!

Sit down and write out what you're going to pray for and at what times. If you do not already have your five prayers down,
make it a goal to get them in and beg God for your blessed partner during those prayers.

If you already got that and more, start waking up during the last third of the night, when Allah is closest to us and
calls out: Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him?
Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?' And thus He continues until the light of dawn shines.

Translate your disappointment, your frustration, your need, your sometimes bleeding or numbed heart, into fervent, sincere, passionate dua'. Put your emotions to use; see them in action in their relationship with Allah.

Cultivate your relationship with The Giver and The Answerer of your wants and needs and have certainty that He will answer at the right time and in the best way.

Honestly, that may not mean through marriage. And that is a very difficult concept to accept. But trust that He knows you best, and He knows your future better than you ever could.
Haven't there been times when you've been disappointed, only to realize five years later that the 'failure' of yesterday was one of the greatest blessings of today?

Trust in His decision and hope in His response. No matter what, He will undoubtedly choose what is best for you.


Assalamualikum :)

So this is the last part of this book.

7 Tips For Single Muslimah has a green tick as it's completed. Alhamdulillah, and it's making me happy because this is the first book that I have completed so far.

Jazakallah khair for your support and I hope you get to learn something from this book and Thanks a lot for all your support.
You know I love you all for the sake of Allah(SWT) ♥

Lots of love and blessings


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