"You can't control everything." I whispered, letting myself lean forward to let my head peer down into his. I could see his entire face go from a smirk to an emotionless mask. He was not pleased with what I had said. "You're still angry with me because I was forced to choose between my best friend and a man who had turned my whole world upside down? Fine. But you and I both know you're not just acting this way because of that-there has to be something else."

"You left me." Harry whispered. His arms tightened around me, pulling my body down flush against his. Every angle, every plane of our bodies fit almost perfectly together as one. My eyes widened when I was staring right into his eyes, seeing the pure betrayal written in them. "You ran the first chance you got."

"I had to; there were people shooting. I didn't know what else I could do." I replied, frowning a little.

"You expect me to believe that? There is one thing I'm sure of: You lied to me." I felt his hand running down my spine, his hot breath fanning across my lips. "And I'll never forget it."

"You practically held me captive." I said louder, more defensively. I tried sitting up but Harry simply held me to him, refusing to even let me move. "I was living perfectly fine. I was happy. And then I made the mistake of running into that alleyway, and I made the mistake of taking your damn jacket. From then on, you ruined my life."


"-you treat me like some kind of object." I cut him off, something I knew he hated. He flipped us over so I was the one lying on my back and he was lying on top of me, straddling my waist. "I'm not an object, Harry. I'm a human being."

"You're mine," He snarled in a heated whisper, both of his hands held on either side of my head, trapping me beneath him. His head leaned down, our noses practically touching.

"You're desperate, aren't you?" I asked, smiling bitterly. "All your life, you've had control over people-with fear. You made people fear you so they didn't question anything you did. But now that all that power has been taken away from you, you're trying to control me. It's what you need."

"You better shut your fucking mouth."

"You can't always control people, Harry. It's not right. It'll only backfire and cause you to lose everything." I stared up at him, unable to blink. "Look what happened in London."

"No, look at what happened to Carlotta." Harry hissed, his eyes blazing in fury. I froze a little under his fiery gaze, wondering if I had treaded too far. "I was so close to killing her, you know. I had a gun and everything. But she fucking blew her brains out-she would rather take her own life than give me the satisfaction of doing it. And believe me, I wanted nothing more than to see her die under my hands. Do you know how I escaped jail, Claire?"

I was silent, staring up at him. There was, once again, something off with him.

He wasn't in control.

Right now, he was unbalanced.

"There was a young man who worked as a janitor." Harry said calmly after a few seconds. I felt his long fingers running through my hair, his voice almost soothing, though his words weren't. "He was a young guy, probably just out of high school. So two days before my death sentence, I told him my boys and I were planning to break out the very next day. I told him that it was a 100% successful plan. I warned him that as soon as I got out, I would find each and every family member of all the employees who worked there, and I would kill them. So I told him that if he let me out then and there, then his family would be safe. But if he didn't, I would kill each and every one of them slowly and leave him alive to live out the miserable rest of his life. Did you know janitors have very low-paying jobs? I found that utterly ironic because he had so much power-he had access to every single key to every cell in the entire facility." Harry was smirking down at me, sounding cocky and sure of himself now. "So he let me go. I found Louis and got him out, too. As we were heading out, we ran into Carlotta and things got...messy." He chuckled under his breath, his hand closing in around a certain strand of my hair.

Unstable (Sequel to Twisted)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα