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So I just realized today, my life is just terrible with love. Whenever I like someone, they end up ignoring me.

So you know how H told Puppyface? He started ignoring me. I said hi, he pretended he didn't hear me. I'm just glad I know the reason because, as I said before, if I know the reason, it's all good.

I never knew that the guys I like ignores me. Always. Noodlehead, Lemonhead, Puppyface, and Turtletree did before but not anymore. So now Im going to try my best to not like anyone. Hopefully I won't.

I got my grades and it was all As^_^ Also today it snowed and rained. That's probably why it wasn't all that of a bad luck day for me. For most people, rain gives bad luck, to me when it rains its a good day. But when it snows, I go all bad.

When I was still living in korea, my stupid boots broke and I had to take them off. And my socks ripped off so I walked bare foot to my house. I thought I was going to die but my mom suddenly ran to me and carried me to the house. Don't ask me how she knew I was walking like that.

And ever since than, everytime it snowed, everything went bad. But today it snowed and rained so I guess it was both. It's weird how it feels like as if Im cursed or something. But I do like to feel the cool snow land on my face.

Sorry this one is too short nothing really happened lately. Vote if you like, comments for questions or suggestions^3^ well see ya!

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