Slowly, he pulled away from me as suddenly more guards began filling the room. Perhaps around thirty men. Each guard had multiple weapons like spears, swords, arrows and stuff. But what was different is that they sparkled, which was something that the old shiny metals don't have. Was that silver that they spoke of?

"Faolan, that's going to hurt you." I protested, moving myself up to get on my feet quickly so I wasn't on the floor anymore. "I can---"

"Everyone!" Mammon interrupted. "Our objective is to put the wolf down and Verin. Be careful as this one is a strong one." He grinned and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, around fifteen men in black fabric came out from the shadows of the pillars in the throne room. "Good thing I brought good men to help us handle this." He waved his hand.

Before Mammon could speak another word, Faolan suddenly ran forward and leapt on the nearest guard, who was off guard by the assault. Easily, his jaws had wrapped around his neck and he jerked his head back. The ripping of skin was deafening in my ears as well as a crack suddenly followed. Blood spurted from the neck wound and went down the metal chest.

Within that moment, the three guards near the men rushed forward to stab Faolan, but he jumped off the corpse to over their heads to avoid the attacks that were trying to surround him with. He twirled around, ears twitching, as he let out a loud, threatening snarl with his lips curled back to show his canines, blood dripping from the fresh slaughter.

My head swirled by this. I may have seen a lot in my life, but nothing... Nothing could compare to this moment. Admittedly, I never seen such... I wouldn't know how to explain how I felt in that moment. All I knew that this sight didn't frighten me, but confuses me. Where did that timid wolf go? Remembering how Faolan was with me, I couldn't help but feel useless. Taking a deep breath, I tried to remember at least the defensive moves that I was taught. I couldn't act helpless forever or dumb, really.

I glanced around and noticed that the black fabric looking men were slowly making towards my way. Taking another deep breath, I crouch down and got my hands into fists, getting prepared.

As if sensing my danger, Faolan flipped his head backwards and let out another howl. Except this howl was extremely loud, so loud, it broke the little windows that the throne room had. Instantly, I covered my ears, flinching at the pain the howl has caused. A quick glance around the room told me that ten men fell to their knees as they held their bloody ears. I doubt that they would be able to hear for a long while...

Despite the howl, those men were fine as they kept hurrying towards my way. The howling stopped instantly and there was another loud snarl, but it was of frustration as there was loud clanging again. Glancing over, Faolan had to avoid another attack but from a spear.

Dragging my gaze away, I needed to remember that there was a problem in front of me. I couldn't stand here and pay only attention to Faolan when I could not. Watching them, I re-counted them and notice that five are missing. Taking a quick sweep with my eyes, I couldn't locate them anywhere. That wasn't good.

Bright side, I noticed there was a sword by me from a fallen guard, so I backed up and reached for it instantly, feeling the rough handle in my hand. Feeling better, I crouched a little and brought the sword up in a defensive manner. I needed to remember that these were trained assassins, which means they were completely out of my league, but I shouldn't give up too easily.

I reminded myself to re-count the enemies that approached me. Okay, so, I only had to deal with five of them... Yeah, only five. Though, admittedly, I haven't battled more than one person at a time. Well, sometimes there was a first time in something. Acting cockier then I felt, I waved my hand over.

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