I can hear slow footsteps heading down the stairs and other footsteps running away quickly. I await Dylan to get here and tell me what he thinks. He gets down the stairs and his reaction looks about the same as mine was.

Dylan: So that's where they all went. They were held captive in our own territory.

Me: What are you talking about?

Dylan: About a year ago, werewolves from our pack started showing up missing and no other pack knew what was going on either. Two wolves a week would disappear, it started from children to full-grown adults. No matter how prepared they were, they would always be caught by surprise. I guess this is where they were being held captive.

Me: That's messed up.

Dylan: Yeah. But now that I think about it, we should probably tell the alpha about this.

Me: Go ahead.

Dylan: Why?

Me: I don't exactly know the guy.

Dylan: But you do know his son.

Me: You think that'd work?

Dylan: It's worth a try. Right?

Me: Yeah, so we talk to him at school and then ask him to help us get rid of it so Tessie won't find it?

Dylan: Sounds like a plan.

We make our way back upstairs to see Tessie dressed and ready to go with her backpack that we brought from Iceland. She looked at us and waited patiently for us to get back upstairs. I notice that her face is a mix between curious and fear. I do the one thing I can think of and give her a hug. She hugs me back then pushes me away.

Tessie: Someone else showed up to our house saying they needed a ride to school.

Me: Huh?

Tessie: She's waiting by the front door.

Dylan follows me to the front door and I open it to reveal a little girl about Tessie's age. She looked at me and nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Dylan.

Little Girl: Jerkwad.

Dylan: What are you doing here Jordan? I thought dad was taking you to school.

Jordan who I am guessing is Dylan's little sister crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. Wow, look at that attitude.

Jordan: No, I told him that I needed to go for a run and that I'd go with you. But it's nice to know that I finally discovered that you've been running away to play with your gay lover.

Did that little girl just call me gay?

Dylan: We aren't gay Jordan. He's new to town and I was helping him get used to it.

Jordan: Whatever. We have to get going to school.

Tessie walks up and stands next to Jordan. I have a feeling that those two will be trouble when they're together.

Tessie: She's right, we don't want to be late on our first day, do we?

Me: Nah, let's go.

Dylan and I grab our bags and head out the door. The girls start their own little conversation on their way out to the jeep. We get in the front seat while our little sisters get in the back. I turn around and make sure that the girls buckle up.

Jordan: We know to put our seatbelts on father.

Me: Quit with the attitude or you'll walk.

She turns her head and stares out the window. Tessie glares at me and I glare back. There's no reason to get snotty with me. We are giving her a free ride to school. Tessie looks out the other window and I turn my head back to the front. I glance over at Dylan and he shakes his head. I completely know what he means.

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now