A Walk in the Woode

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Small creatures scampered to and fro on the branches of the trees as the two dragons wandered through the trees.  It had been several hours since they had arrived at the clearing, but their enthusiasm hadn't flagged one bit.  With golden, feather-like leaves fluttering on the breeze and soft moss beneath their feet, they felt like they were trapped inside a fairytale.  Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow in the forest.  Birds chirped merry tunes and hidden insects sung to the rhythm.  Animals danced on their arboreous stage.  Flowers showed their shining faces to the world.  Nothing could be more perfect.

Forrest breathed deeply, inhaling the sweet perfume of the forest; the freshness of the leaves and the crispness of the mountain air infused with the multitudes of floral aromas.  He smiled at Orchid as they rested beside a small, cascading stream.  Slipping out of his pack, he tentatively dipped his foot in, and jerked it back out as the frigid water touched his scales.  Sucking in a breath, he threw himself in, splashing Orchid.  She gave a shout and plunged in after him, gasping at the shock of the cold.  Shaking himself, Forrest swatted at her, sending a spray towards her.  Laughing, she retaliated with a wave of her own.  They played around for a few more minutes until he waded out of the stream to dry in the friendly sun.

Waking up from light naps, they donned their packs and continued on, this time following the path of the water.  It led them deeper into the woode closer to the roots of the mountains.  And soon, the terrain started to turn hilly and rugged.  However, the scenery lost none of its beauty.  In fact, it just grew wilder.  As they turned a bend, they discovered a sight to behold.  Growing over, and in, the stream, was a huge, weather-worn tree.  Two of its mighty roots lay in the ground on the opposite shore while another one was in the middle of the water.  The trunk was suspended in the air, with gnarled and twisted branches reaching in all directions.  Its massive crown spread out over not only the stream, but several wingbeats on either side.  Mixtures of grays and browns colored its smooth, shiny bark.  Standing taller than most of the trees around, its presence dominated the area, speaking of the struggles it had gone through to reach its royal state.  The other trees nearby seemed to bow, giving it an identity as king of the forest.  Orchid and Forrest stared in wonder at this woodland monarch, awed by its beauty.  Keeping a solemn mood about them, they walked by it, and didn't take their eyes off it until it vanished in the sea of the forest.  He felt privileged to have just been able to lay eyes upon such a magnificent creation and swore that he would never forget it.  

Night began to approach as the sun slipped back behind the horizon, casting the world in a cloak of rich reds and oranges.  Once again, the forest was enveloped in a magical aura, but this time with lengthened shadows and a brighter contrast between the light and dark.  A gentle fog rolled in from the mountaintops and soon, the crickets and fireflies started their show.  The little lights danced in the mist to the tune of the orchestra.  And, to the dragons' surprise, a light rain began to fall, adding its own music to the symphony.

The moon soon took its place in the star-scattered sky, giving a fairy-like feel to the world below.  The two travelers became so wrapped up in the fantasy nature had woven that they strayed from the stream and into the woods, enchanted.  Small flowers hung on delicate vines glowed blue and purple, sparkled in the drizzle, and gave the fog a mystical feel.  Awestruck at this hidden paradise, they felt as if they never wanted to leave.  Eventually, they chanced upon a clearing in the woods where the luminescent flowers grew in multitudes.  Orchid sighed at the beauty of it all and lay down amidst them and was soon asleep.  Forrest looked down at her with an overflowing amount of gratitude and love.  He lay down beside her, and, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain, drifted off into a peaceful slumber and dreamt of vast lands filled with beautiful creations.  

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