A Past Dissolved

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Orchid stared down at Talon, lying on the ground, white bandages around his wings and head, with a confused, helpless expression.  She'd thought that she had already experienced true pain, but how wrong she was!  Nothing could have ever prepared her for this, nothing.  A broken heart.  That's what she had.  Looking at her fiancé and lifelong friend, Orchid was at a loss.  Everything they'd done together, every memory they'd shared, it was all gone.  Gone somewhere that couldn't be reached.  It was a wound that only time could heal, and even that might not succeed.  Painful as it was to see him in the state that he was in, it was more painful to know that she may never be able to revisit the past with him and share their experiences again.

Who am I? 

That single question shook her to the core.  It made her realize the extent of his loss.  She had no idea how to respond, especially after Zaganzerinah told her not to tell him who he was.  "Time is the best remedy for that," she'd said, and Orchid truly hoped and wished the potion master was right.

Focusing her attention back on Talon, she took a deep breath and stared into his eyes, and lied.   "Your name is Forrest, and you are a lieutenant in the Draconian army," she gulped, trying not to cry,  "You were severely injured by a hydra yesterday.  Solar and I pulled you off the field before any more damage was done."

"Oh.  Thank you," Talon said,  "I'm sorry I don't remember anything."  Orchid inhaled in sharp, short breaths, weeping freely.  To see him stripped of his life; it was heart-wrenching.

Walking up beside her, Zanzi whispered, "There is still a chance for him to recover.  Have a little faith, Orchid.  If I rememb..."

The tent flap opened, and a Dragonian soldier stuck in his head, "Colonel Orchid, the LongClaw requests you and your companions' presence."  He then left.

"LongClaw?  A new one has already been chosen?" Solar Night said, clearly astounded.  Orchid was equally confused.  She wasn't familiar with how a new LongClaw was chosen, but she was sure it took more than just twenty-four hours. 

Hurrying over, she helped Zanzi get Talon to his feet.  They then exited the tent, angling towards the LongClaw pavilion, ignoring the stares of the Dragonian soldiers they passed.

Soon, too soon for Orchid's liking, they arrive at a bright sky-blue pavilion embroidered with the Dragonian crest, a tall rock spire encircled by a ring of clouds.  Four guards stood at attention outside the entrance.  The front two growled and pointed their spears.  "State your name and your purpose," one said.

"I am Colonel Orchid.  My companions are Captain Solar Night, Lieutenant Forrest, and the potion master, Zaganzerinah.  We were requested to see the LongClaw," she stated.

"Very well.  Wait here," the guard turned and entered the tent, announcing their arrival.  Orchid grew more nervous with every passing second.  Did we do something?  If so, what?

The guard returned, "The LongClaw has accepted your proposal and awaits you inside," he glanced at them, and in a very frightened tone, whispered, "But watch out; he's not in a very, agreeable mood."

"That's strange," Zanzi commented in an equally quiet tone,  "What in Pyrrain is going on?"

Solar snorted, "We'll soon find out."

Swallowing her nervousness, Orchid walked forward, still supporting Talon.  Nosing aside the entrance flap, she stared into the dark interior.  Blinking several times to adjust to the sudden loss of light, she could barely make out the shape of the enormous dragon resting in the corner.  As she felt the others enter behind her, the shadowy form rose.

A beam of light from outside fell upon the dragon's face, revealing dull black scales and a malicious grin.  Everyone gasped.  Orchid opened her mouth to speak, but, surprisingly, Talon beat her to it.

"You!" he shouted, a hint of recognition coloring his voice.

Paganblood's grin just grew.

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