A Pair of Unknowns

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The sun had risen and began its descent once again.  Forrest lay outside his tent, content to bask in the dying heat and let the problems of yesterday fade away.  Having spent much of the day sleeping, strength and energy coursed through him.  He felt refreshed and ready to take anything on.  Despite that, he yawned and slipped back into a light sleep.

He was shaken awake by Orchid, who had arrived some time while he slept.  She looked at him gravely, "The others are ready, but we're still waiting for Myle Hygh.  Solar said he'd tell us when he's taken over the shift."

Getting up, Forrest belted on his pack, double-checking to see if all the supplies were still there.  He mentally checked off each item as he saw it.  Everything was there, but he still felt like he was missing something vital.  "Orchid," he called, "Did Myle get a map?"

"No.  Why?"  she replied.  He swore, and ducking into his tent, ripping the one he had off the side of the tent.  Rolling it up, he tucked it into the pack.  "He sure doesn't seem as smart as Solar says he is.  Forgetting a map?  How dumb is he?"

Orchid shrugged, "It's not like we have free pick of who can help us.  We'll just have to deal with what we've been given.  But I agree; he does not have the sharpest claws in the clan."

"Hopefully the plan won't be ruined because of him."

"Speaking of the plan, we should go over it like Zanzi mentioned."

"What is there to go over?  She wouldn't shut up about it at midday meal.  It was like she was trying to bore us to death."

Orchid shoved him playfully, "Stop it.  Don't become a Solar."  He laughed, and pushed her back, "Why would I want to do that?  Do you want me to be dark and gloomy?" he teased.

She laughed with him, and he smiled, savoring the moment.  He found it strange; every time he was around her, he got this sense of security and warmth that he'd experienced with no other dragon he had met so far.  And yet, a feeling of sadness emanated from her, almost as if she knew something about who he was, but it was too painful to share.

Snapping back to reality and more serious matters, he turned and stared into the distance.

"What is it, Forrest?" she stood next to him.

"Nothing.  Well, I guess it's something," he looked at her,  "I need to solve the conflict between Solar and Zanzi if we are to successfully make it through what we are about to embark on."

She sighed, "I know.  They need to learn to get along.  I've hade enough of their bickering, and that's saying something, seeing as I've been with them for the better part of five years."

"I wish they'd just open up, but all I'd get would be an accusation of the other, not the solid truth.  Unless there is someone they would open up completely to, I am totally stuck."

Suddenly looking up, Orchid snatched a vedfolnir hawk from the sky.  Pinning it down, she pulled out a slip of parchment and let the bird go.  Unrolling the paper, she read  burned it with a puff of fire.  Nodding at him, she took off towards the galleys at a light, casual pace.  Forrest did the same, but took a more roundabout way to get there.

Following the line of tents, he acted as if he were going to the LongClaw's pavilion.  Passing several dragons, he gave them a friendly greeting and continued on his way, tension growing in him with every step.  Something was going to go wrong; he could feel it.  Forrest kept walking, though, until he came about halfway to the pavilion.  There, he slipped into the lengthening shadows of the forges and tents.  The colors darkened as the cloth dwellings pressed closer and closer together, nearly hiding the faint path he was following to the secondary galley where he hoped Orchid would be waiting with Zanzi and Solar.  Brushing against most of the tents, Forrest desperately hoped none of the occupants noticed.  He plunged on, barely able to see, until he stumbled into the open.  Releasing a pent-up breath, he made his way to the front of the galley, where he spotted Orchid chatting with one of the cooks.  Hurrying over, he whispered, "Are they here yet?"

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