A Change in Thought

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A log fell in the fire, sending sparks dancing across the dark sky.  They blew away, leaving no trace.  Forrest stared at them, still trying to puzzle out the details of his plan as he waited for the others to arrive.  Looking up, he studied his surroundings, attempting to familiarize himself with the layout. 

The camp was laid out in a rough semicircle, with the soldiers' tents forming the bulk of the front.  In the center, the armories and smithies were spread out amongst the numerous galleys.  Sparring areas lined the sides and the LongClaw's tent was located at the peak of the circle.  Sentries were stationed every five wingbeats and randomly amidst the encampment, making it nearly impossible to move about undetected.

He snorted; leaving seemed harder than he'd expected.  If only there was some way to ensure that one of the guards would not be at his post. Not for the first time, he wished he had more than two days to get out of here.  That was one of the reasons he'd told Solar, Zanzi, and Orchid to meet him tonight.  Ideas were what he needed, and in this way he hoped to get some.

Light footfalls approached and Orchid appeared.  Lying down, she stared at her claws, something obviously on her mind.  "You didn't have to do that," she finally said.

Forrest looked up, startled, "What do you mean?"

"Earlier today when you said that you wouldn't let Paganblood do anything to me."

"Oh," was all he could say as he shifted his position.

"You know, it's funny how we can make ourselves believe in something that could never happen by saying that it's going to be okay or that we'll make it.  Then when it does come to pass, we still get angry or sad and question why it didn't turn out right, when, all along, we knew that it would happen."

"What are you saying?"

"Isn't that what life is?  An up and down of anticipation and disappointment?  All the time, we are let down and discouraged by the you can'ts and I can'ts; we're dictated by our fate."

"Orchid, are you well?" Forrest asked, concerned.

"Oh, yes I'm totally fine!" she replied sarcastically, "I've lost more than I can imagine in the past two days and I was threatened to be returned to my father!  I thought that maybe I could create a new life for myself in the military and change my identity, but no!  Fate decides that I can't!  I just want to escape my past, escape him.  Ever since my mother passed, I never belonged to myself anymore.  I became just another thing in my father's life that must be dealt with, another problem to be solved.  'Orchid do this, Orchid to that.  Fetch me that thing.  No, get me the other one!'  I felt like nothing!  Nothing!  Do you understand?  I never want to go back there again," she cried, sobbing violently.

He stared at her in silence, shocked to see her so angry and scared when she was such a strong dragon.  Listening to her, he realized fully the torment Paganblood was inflicting on her.

"Orchid I'm..."

Just then, Solar Night and Zanzi arrived, and lying down, looked intently at him.  "What?" he said, puzzled.

"Well, you did ask to meet you here," the potionmaster pointed out,  "There must be a reason, which, I'm assuming, is precisely why you summoned us."

"Um, well ... I was thinking..."

"Yes.  Go on," Zanzi encouraged.

He stared at her, suddenly intimidated by her over-zealous attitude.  Solar must have noticed, because he snapped, "Stop it, Zan."

"Sorry.  Just trying to keep the mood light," she responded sharply.  Everyone looked at her skeptically, slightly annoyed by her too-bright attitude.

Solar started to say something, but Forrest cleared his throat, "Well, I had an idea," he started, then rushed quickly on, strangely embarrassed, "I thought that we should leave camp and find out more about who Paganblood is because I don't really trust him and I feel bad about you losing your jobs and I don't want you to be further humiliated by him.  I think that it will help me find out who I am as well.  However, I have no idea how to get past the sentries or where to go if we get out.  I'm also worried about search parties being sent out, not being able to make it, and pretty much every other horrible thing that could happen during the process," he finished meekly.  

"I agree with Forrest," Orchid said, to his surprise, "We need to get out of here.  Paganblood would quickly do away with us if we remained much longer.  If we left, tracking us could present a major problem to anyone trying to find us."

"You do have a point.  I've gotten too used to the comfort of having a 'home,'" Zanzi commented,  "I do believe it is time to escape this dreadful camp!"

Everyone then turned to Solar Night, whose sunset-colored wings glittered in the firelight, casting an orange glow on the rest of his dark blue body.  Forrest once again wondered why he was so quiet and even cold to the dragons around him.  "What?" he growled, eyes half-closed, "There is no need for me to express my opinion; you have all decided to leave and that's the end of it if I don't know Zanzi."


"You know it's true.  Once your mind is set on something, it won't change."

Zanzi stared at him, long and hard before replying icily, "Fine, Captain, whatever you wish."  Turning away from him, she rested her head on her paws.

"Uhh ... so, the plan," Forrest reminded them awkwardly,  "I figured out that we should leave, you know, at night and exit the camp on the ground since it is a little more unexpected than flying.  However, we'd have to carry all necessary supplies, so that could slow us down.  Afterwards, I don't know where to head; at this moment, I'm just going on what my instincts tell me."

Solar snorted, "That's it?  That's all you got?  Because honestly, that is pretty bad.  You don't just 'walk out' and leave.  That's not possible.  You need to know when, where, and how.  You'd also need someone else to keep you informed of activities in the area of escape, someone unsuspecting.  Thankfully, I know someone who might help..."

The four of them talked long into the night, discussing all the details involving their escape.  To most of their surprise, Solar did most of the talking and actually seemed to enjoy what he was doing.  It was nearing dawn when they ended.

"We have only tomorrow to prepare.  I'll talk to my friend and you three have to discreetly gather supplies for the trip.  Also, someone will have to steal a map; if we don't have one, there is no knowing where we might end up," Solar wrapped up their discussion, "Now get some rest."

He left, disappearing into the night.  Zanzi yawned, clearly exhausted.  She soon followed Solar.

Forrest stared at the dying embers of the fire, their heat nearly gone.  "Well," Orchid sighed, "I guess that's that then.  We'll probably never come back here again."

"Just as I was getting used to it," he said dryly,  "Orchid, what is going on between Solar and Zanzi?  They seem to be at each other constantly."

"The truth?  I don't know.  They've always been that way.  Maybe it is because Zanzi is a cause of irritation for him.  He's not exactly the social type.  Or maybe she's trying to get him to open up."

"Zanzi can be a little ... overexcited at times."

"Yes, well, there's nothing we can do about that," Orchid said,  "Oh, look at me, making idle chatter when you must be completely spent!"

"It's fine, though I wouldn't mind some sleep," he smiled warmly at her.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow," she replied, and slipped off, leaving Forrest the happiest he'd been all day. 

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