Silly things

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*just ranting*

I hate that I get mad and sad at silly things, I just can't help it...

For instance I could be dating someone and if that person just hugged someone else, I get really sad. It's not even jealousy.. Idk how to explain this.. It's just that I have a feeling deep inside that makes me so sad :(

And it happens with other people as well. I guess I'm just so insecure and scared. I always live with this fear 24/7 that someone is going to judge me and walk out of my life.

All this started because of everything that happened with my dad :'( and now I'm so insecure and lost.

2015 has probably been the worst year for me. Cause I was so insecure and I always needed to be comforted and I hated it, because that person wasn't me. I like happiness, I like making people happy and I just like being happy.

And happiness for me means confidence and being with someone who is able to tell me that I'm beautiful and for me to trust them.

Well, anyways 2015 is over now, a new page is yet to be written.

Welcome 2016.

Happy new year guys! ❤️

Stella. xx

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