My king

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I forget about my prince,
I forget all about me.

All I can remember
Is my King.

Oh my king
How I miss you
How I cry every night
Just because of you
How I'm going downhill
Just because of you
How I'm losing hope
Just because of you
How I'm losing myself
Just because of you.

You know why?
Cause I was Your princess
Your precious princess
Who is heart broken now.

You were my sole reason
To fight
You were my sole reason
To live
You were my sole reason
To breathe
You were my sole reason
To love.

Regardless of all the
Insults, humiliation, hatred
I still love you
Nothing will change this

Regardless of all the
Messages you send me
Regardless of all the
Apologies I hear
I can never forgive you
Yet I'm still ready to give up
On my very own life for you.

I love you.
You love me.

But it's better off like that.
Live happily ever after with your family
And I'll live my life.

I'll rule my own kingdom
As a proud princess
And conquer everything
I've lost
Because of you.

I love you my king.

I love you Dad

Thanks for giving up on me.

Words say it betterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora