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I wake alone, yellow light glowing behind the beaded doorway. The empty mattress space beside me is still warm, the blanket crumpled around my waist. Voices float to my ears, muffled from behind the wooden curtain. I brush the sleep from my eyes and part the hanging beads, padding softly on the cold floor in thick socks I don't remember slipping on myself.

Ethan, Jack and Jaz lounge across a dappling of armchairs and footstools opposite a small fire pit. The rich, oaky scent of crackling firewood drifts across the room in soft, grey tendrils. Despite the cold walls, warmth fills the space in a hazy glow.

"Good morning!" Thessaly chirps, wiping down a pan with a drizzle of oil. The grease sizzles when she places it over the fire. "It's Ali, right?" She thrusts out a hand of greeting. "I apologise we were not formally introduced last night." I grip her hand in a tight embrace and shake briefly.

Reaching into a cupboard above her head, Thessaly pulls down two small glasses and uncaps the stopper plugged into a milk bottle. She pours generously, the glasses filling with pearly milk. She slides the milk across the counter and I take a long gulp, relishing the sweet aftertaste coating my tongue.

"Guanaco milk," she answers before I have a chance to ask. "I ran into a herd of them in the valley yesterday when I was collecting a delivery at the edge of the mountains." I smile around another mouthful of milk, nodding my appreciation.

"Thanks again for last night," I say, setting the empty glass down. She waves me away with a flick of her lithe fingers. "We all really appreciate you letting us stay. I can imagine it wasn't easy on you yesterday."

"It is the least I could do for our Prince and his company." She swoops over and collects my glass, popping both into the basin and rinsing them out with a bucket of melted snow water.

From behind the counter, I watch her quick, precise movements, tail snapping happily behind her as if she were a vivacious cub. But it is the distance in her calculating gaze, as if she could see two paces in front of each movement around her, which pulls my interest.

I think for a moment about my question, teasing the wording to express my curiosity in a proprietary manner as Thessaly lifts a chunk of dark red meat from a cooler. She takes a sharpened blade to the soft tissue. When she glances up at me, the depth of her opalescent eyes have the question bubbling forth before I can rethink politeness.

"I hope you won't mind me asking, Thessaly," her erect ears twitch towards my voice as she quickly slices the bloody meat in thick, even steaks, "but how old are you exactly?"

Thessaly chuckles softly, the sound likening to that of a chattering cheetah.

"Gosh, last I counted I was a quarter through my third century! That must've been several decades ago by now." Her voice trails off as she thinks so she doesn't notice my wide-eyed astonishment. Focus crystallises in Thessaly's gaze moments later and I school my features, although clearly not entirely well as Thessaly chuckles again. "Although most Elders are fourfold my age, making me one of the youngest. I know more than most, but I have much to learn. And a something tells me I am about to learn much with you around."

I settle my elbows against the smooth stone countertop, resting my chin in the cradle of my hands.

"Tell me, how did you end up all the way out here? I'll tell you now, you are not an easy woman to find."

Ebony WingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя