dear amulets part two

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Dear Amulets,

I posted something earlier today and now that I'm situated and accainted with people here, I will explain to y'all what's going on. I asked my husband for a divorce on Nov 30th. I got tired of being hit. I've been struggling to find a place to go since. Sunday I got told I had 3 days to find a place or I would be put on the streets. so I struggled even more. I was told to call this shelter and now here I am. I am safe and being taken care of at a shelter for abused women and children. I will try to write on a story or two, but wont make any promises. I have been battling depression for awhile but haven't said anything to y'all, and I'm sorry. I didn't want my readers to have to worry about me when y'all probably have more important things in your life to worry about. the depression has caused writers block. I will try and write. but dunno if I can. but if you want, I have found stories I did years ago(not finnished), and I could type them up and post em for you to read while you wait for me to get better. I hope you all are doing ok. and know if you need anyone to talk to about anything going on, like I said in my profile, I'm here. I've been through a lot and I will help you the best I can. thank you my dear readers for sticking with me through the writers block.

I love you guys,


A Witch And A Power RangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon