Ch. 1 Adam Park? Dont Open Up To Him Girl...

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A/n hi there ranger fans. And hi there adam fangirls. My name is sierra! Nice to meet you! If you like this feel free to follow me and read my other books lol. Btw I follow back, I know this is all irrelivent. Anywho, I hope you enjoy the story!! Talk to you later reader-chan!!!

Thistles p.o.v.:

I sigh as I walk into angel grove high.
Another school to hate me. How long can I last here?

I walk down the hall, my hair(in cover pic) down instead of my normal pigtails, so I can hide my face from everyone who will stare. My black hoodie unzipped. Underneath is a black shirt with a skullette cat on it. Im also wearing a black ruffled skirt, black and pink striped stockings, and black boots that are laced up with pink shoe laces.

I see the office and I walk in.

The lady at the desk looks up,"can I help you?"

"Im Thistle Marigold, the new student," I mumble.

She hands me my schedule and a small piece of paper,"give that note to your first teacher."

I nod and put the note in my pocket and the schedule on the notebooks im carrying. I turn and walk out of there and start to look for my first class.

a group of people start coming my way and I look at the ground.

"is that a new student?"

"what a freak!"

"watch this!"

A boy rams into me and knocks my notebooks out of my hands," watch it freak!"

They walk away laughing.

I sigh,"and it starts the again."

I lean down and start to pick them up. Some one else does the same. I look up to see a boy with long black wavy hair.

"dont help," I mumble," that will just get you picked on to."

He smiles, causing his dark eyes to sparkle, and hands me my notebooks," so? They shouldnt have done that."

Oh great who is he? BEN drowned? Well he is wearing a green shirt.

"thanks," I sigh as I stand," but dont pretend to be nice."

"whos pretending?" He asks as he stands up. He holds out his hand," im adam."

I ignore his hand and turn away," dont bother with my name, youd forget it anyway."

I begin to walk away.

"hey thistle, arent you forgeting something?"

My eyes go wide and I turn to see him leaning up with a piece of paper in his hand.

My schedule....

I walk over to take it from him but he pulls it away from me.

"And here it comes," I groan," where you show me youre like the others."

he flinches and looks hurt, and I feel like maybe I shouldn't have said it out loud. but then I realize its probably an act.

"no," he says," I know if I give this to you, youll walk away. if I keep ahold of it I can show you to first period."

he begins walking and im forced to follow.

I stare at his back. Why cant he leave me alone?! I used to being ignored and bullied. What does he have up his sleeve? What get me to open up and then throw me to the curb and or use it against me to make fun of me? All I know is: dont open up to him girl... Even if hes cute, and being nice. Its an act. Like always.

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