Oh I'm so sorry Ed! I didn't even think that you'd still be sleeping, I'm sorry" Waverly said biting her lip, glad no one could see how pink her cheeks were. She was an idiot!

"No no, Waverly? It's fine, really, my alarm was set to go off in five minutes anyways. So whats up?" He said.

Ed ruffled his hair on the opposite end of the line. Glad that he'd been awoken by her sweet voice than that annoying pitiful alarm he hated so much. Actually he wished that he just asked for her number instead of giving him hers. He stay up late writing a song about his nervousness.

Waverly's voice brought him back to the present.

"Oh well I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe do something tomorrow. Unless you already have plans or something." Stupid, stupid Waverly of course he probably had plans! She thought to herself.

"Nope. No plans for me. I'm off now. I start recording in a few months. But How about I meet you at a bar on Jackson Avenue? It's a nice little place with a pool hall. Maybe after we can grab some food." He smiled as if Waverly could see it through the telephone. Ugh why did he talk so much, he thought. He rubbed his temples and let out a sigh.

"That sounds great!" Waverly said. That was a lot easier than she thought.

"So seven good?" Ed asked. Smiling to himself again.

"Sevens great." Waverly said smiling.

"Great. I'll see you there." Ed said.

"Yeah. Bye."

"Wait Waverly, call me anytime I'm not a very deep sleeper." Ed chuckled into the cell phone.

"Well I call you later then" Waverly laughed, "Goodbye Edward" She smiled. Hoping he didn't mind being called Edward.

"Yeah me too, Goodbye" Ed chuckled then hung up the phone.

He was so happy with himself for putting his entire first name on paper instead of just "Ed". He didn't particularly like Edward, but when Waverly said it. It sounded like music.

Back at her flat Waverly squealed. And threw her legs up in the air. "I'VE GOT A DATE WITH ED. I'VE GOT A DATE WITH EEDDD!" She chanted to herself. "Oh god...I've got a a date with Ed." Reality hit her in the face.

What would she wear, what would they discuss?

And what would Niall say?


That afternoon Waverly dressed in her comfortable clothes. A purple hoodie and baggy jeans. She planned on shopping for both dates. She wasn't exactly sure what to wear. usually her dates consisted of rides to the movies and awkward laughs.

What exactly was she suppose to wear on this bar/out to eat date? She had no idea. And didn't it seem a little backwards? Weren't you suppose to eat then get drinks? and what was she going to drink anyway?

Waverly didn't care. She was excited. She liked that he wasn't the type of person who played by the rules.

Then Niall on the other hand. They were going to eat. Probably some place super fancy where she would feel she didn't fit in.

Once she got to the mall she found a parking spot and then jumped out her car and walked into Dillard's. She absolutely loved that store. She got almost all of her outfits there.

First, she decided, to shop for Niall.

Honestly, she didn't know him very well, she wasn't in love. But she still wanted to look nice. He was a lot, more posh than Ed. And a bit shy at the start. She wanted something classy yet fun. She was sure that he would wear a cardigan or something. She also didn't want the "little black dress" cliche. That wasn't her. There was no reason for her to act like someone she wasn't.

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