Domestic! Klaroline

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Prompt: Caroline gets a dog and Klaus doesn't like it

It had been a year since Klaus and Caroline had moved in together and so far, everything was going nicely.

Klaus was enjoying a nice glass of Scotch when the door flung open. In came Caroline, holding a large dog

"I know we agreed no dogs, they destroy the carpet. But the animal shelter would have put him down otherwise and I just couldn't leave him there to die." Caroline said softly, "no, I couldn't let you die, you big cutie patootie, hmm?"

Klaus wasn't sure he'd ever heard his girlfriend talk in a cutesy voice before, but it would not win him over

"No, Caroline. Take the dog back", Klaus snapped. But then Caroline (and the dog) pulled out their final weapon. The puppy eyes. There was not a lot that made Klaus Mikaelson give in but Caroline's puppy eyes were one.

"Fine!" Klaus spat, throwing up his hands as he walked away.

"Come on, Nik, let's find you a new room, mm? Let's do that!" Klaus heard Caroline coo.

And then it hit him.

Caroline had called the dog Nik before him.

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