Bamon au//1864

471 13 2

Steferine and Bamon


"It was more than a comet because of what it brought to his life- direction, beauty, meaning"
Prompt by theotp


a young woman in a light green dress stepped out of the carriage. After her, a young woman in a light blue dress stepped out of the carriage.

"You must be miss Pierce and miss Bennett" Stefan noticed

"Please, you must call me Katherine and her Bonnie" Katherine curtsied, smiling and blushing


Bonnie closed her eyes in confusion for a moment. That memory that just popped into her was crazy! There was no way she, a 21st century human girl, was even existing in 1864! She must have been hallucinating due to a lack of sleep, yep, that's it, definitely.


Stefan was showing the two girls around.

"And this is my brother, Damon" Stefan introduced

"Damon, it is a pleasure. Stefan has already said so much about you" Katherine said, curtsying

"Ah, you must be miss Pierce. Indeed, it is a pleasure. Who is the young lady with you?" Damon asked

"My name is Bonnie Bennett, sir, it is so nice to meet you" Bonnie said, curtsying. She couldn't help but find Damon extremely handsome

"Ah, miss Bennett but what a lovely face that so suits your lovely voice" Damon flirted with her, seeing her as a good night and not much more

"Indeed it is, sir, but you will find that I am not so easy to win over by a few pretty words" Bonnie retorted, making Damon taken aback. No woman had ever resisted his advances before. He was slightly impressed

Damon closed his eyes as the memory washed over him. How was this possible? Kol...Katherine...Stefan. All people who might like to make fun of him for this and then hit him.
Soon after the encounter, Bonnie had befriended both Damon and Stefan, whilst being closer to Damon
"Stefan, why do you not dance? It is my coming out ball" Bonnie pouted, standing next to the man she considered to be like a brother to her
"Because Katherine is with Damon" Stefan frowned
"Ah, well. You are here with me, are you not?" Bonnie laughed and Stefan looked at her for a moment before spinning her around on the floor.
Stefan closed his eyes. He couldn't imagine the Bonnie he knew to be that laid back around him. The Bonnie he knew would never let anyone spin her around like a Cinderella type girl. He realised that he wasn't being a good friend to Bonnie lately.
I'm so sorry, Bon. I really am.
"May I cut in?" Katherine asked Stefan who was twirling around with Bonnie and laughing. It was clear that the two made a fine couple. But Katherine loved Stefan. It was always to be Stefan, never Damon. Bonnie looked up and saw Damon exiting the ballroom and sitting on the balcony.
"Yes, alright" Bonnie said before lifting her skirts and running after him
Katherine's eyes widened. She needed to find Stefan. Now! Something was happening and all she could think of was Stefan's eyes, Stefan's innocence, Stefan's smile, Stefan's smarts. It's always going to be Stefan, she thought as she caught a plane to Mystic Falls
"Damon? It is so cold out here, what are you doing?" Bonnie asked cautiously, sitting next to the man
"Contemplating the miserable direction my life has taken" Damon replied shortly. Bonnie sat next to him, making sure she wasn't too close to the edge.
"Are you cold?" Bonnie asked worriedly
"No." Damon said quietly. He looked at Bonnie shivering next to him and knew that as long as he stayed out here, she would stay too and she wouldn't complain until she went blue in the face from the cold. Without uttering a sound, Damon took off his suit jacket and slung it around Bonnie's small shoulders
"Oh, Damon, no. You don't have to-" Bonnie said
"Please, Bonnie. Accept this" Damon cut her off
"Thank you" she said, snuggling closer to him unconsciously
"WITCH! What did you do to me?" Damon roared, kicking Bonnie's door poem and holding the witch to the wall by her throat
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bonnie gasped for air
"Why do I have all these memories of you in 1864?" Damon snapped, dropping Bonnie who fell to her knees, coughing.
"I don't know, it just happened to me too" Bonnie snapped
"Someone is messing with us then" Damon realised, looking at the young girl.
The two were laughing and talking when the comet flew past.
"It is so beautiful" Bonnie admired the sight. Damon looked at her for a moment before realising two things
1. It was never going to be Katherine. He was 99% sure she was in love with his brother
2. It was always going to be Bonnie. Always and forever.
"No, you are" Damon said causing the dark haired girl to look at him with parted lips and big eyes. Damon pressed his lips to hers as stars streaked across the sky
"I cannot believe this" Bonnie said, as the latest memory hit her
"I don't know, human Damon thought it was a hot kiss" Damon said with a smirk
"You're disgusting" Bonnie snapped
"And you liked kissing me" Damon retorted
"No I didn't" Bonnie denied
"Did so" Damon poked his tongue out at her
"What, are we five now?"
"Wow" Bonnie breathed, tracing her lips with her index finger
"That was quite a kiss, miss Bennett" Damon said shyly
"Indeed it was, mister Salvatore" Bonnie blushed, looking down
"Since it is apparent that Stefan is courting miss Pierce, would I not be able to court you?" Damon asked
"Well, mister Salvatore, if it means anymore mind blowing kisses, then yes" Bonnie giggled
"Mind blowing kisses" Damon quoted smugly
"Shut up, Damon!" Bonnie said, knowing she was defeated
"How about we have more mind blowing kisses?" Damon asked, backing Bonnie against the wall for a completely different reason this time.

So I did your prompt! I hope I did it justice and that you're happy with it!

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