Leaving Hell

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Elize- I wake up the next morning to Anna saying "be ready in an hour, a nice couple might be adopting you. " I groan and get out of bed as she walks out of the door. I go to the washroom and get ready. When I come out I see that I have fifteen minutes left so I pack a few of my things just in case the couple actually adopt me. I finish and see that it's been an hour since Anna came into my room. I go downstairs and Anna says "there you are. Elize, this is Ginnifer and Josh. Ginnifer, Josh, this is Elizabeth, but you might want to call her Elize, or Lizzy." I look at the couple and freeze in shock. "Are you alright dear?" Ginnifer asks. I slowly nod. Josh laughs a little. "Josh stop laughing at her!" Ginnifer says. "it's fine, Miss Goodwin." I say before Josh can say anything. Ginnifer looks shocked "you know who I am?" She asks, Josh laughs again and Ginny slaps his arm slightly."well duh. You two are on Once Upon A Time! How would I not!?" I say smiling big. Josh smiles and actually talks. "Well I'm glad you know who we are." I nod "again. Duh" Ginny laughs and looks at Josh. He gives her an approving look. "Go pack. We are adopting you" Ginny says happily. I smile and run up to my room and grab one last thing and go downstairs. They smile when they see me. "you ready?" Ginny asks. I nod. We walk out of hell and to a really nice van. We get in and I see Jennifer Morrison with Ginny and Josh's baby, Oliver. I try not to freak out and just sit down in the back, alone. "you can sit next to me if you want," Jen says. I quickly move to the seat next to her and smile. Ginny and Josh get in the front seat with Josh driving and Ginny riding shotgun. Ooh that reminds me of a Taylor Swift song. I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car. Oh wait Ginny has short hair so that wouldn't work. Oh well. Josh pulls out of the parking space and drives to who knows where. "So what is your name?" Jennifer asks. "Elizabeth. But call me Elize or Lizzy unless you want to lose fingers." Jen goes wide eyed "okay then Elize." She says and laughs a little. "I'm Jennifer" she then says. But before I can say anything Josh says "she knows" I then nod. Jen smiles. "Once upon a time?" She asks. "Duh! I love that show! I also love House M.D." I say smiling. She smiles big, "cool. So  who do you ship most on House?" she asks  "CHAMERON!" I yell but not too loudly. Jen laughs and says. "Okay. Who's your favorite character on Once Upon A Time?" "I dont know. I mean there Snow and Charming but there's also Emma, Regina, Killian, Zelena, and Robin. And then there's Henry" I say. Jen laughs. "And again...there is Henry." I say absent mindedly. "Ooh" Jen says nudging my shoulder. I facepalm while blushing. Ginny laughs a little while josh says "no." "No? What do you mean no? I didn't do anything." I say. "You are not dating anyone." He says. "But...I never said I wanted to date anyone." I say. "Oh Josh, she can have crushes" Ginny says. "But I dont have a crush either" I say. "Sure you don't" Ginny and Jen both say. "I don't!" I say trying not to blush. "Oh come on Elizab-i mean Elize...you have to have a crush on someone! Who is he? Oh is he on the cast of Once Upon A Time? Ooh ooh is it Jared?" Jen says. I blush, but say "even if I did have a crush, which I don't. I wouldn't tell you anyway. Especially since Josh is right there" I say gesturing to Josh who is driving.Jen and Ginny look at each other. "She has a crush on Jared" they say. "No I don't gosh!" I say looking out the window so they don't see me blushing. But they see it anyway. Jen laughs. I roll my eyes and pull my phone out and plug my ear buds in. I put the ear buds in my ears and play Stand by You by Rachel Platten. As soon as she says "even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you" , I tear up because it reminds me of Emma and Killian. Jen pulls an ear bud out and asks me if I'm okay. "Yeah, its just a song that reminds me of Captain Swan."  Jen laughs a little. "Aw you ship Captain swan" she says. "Yes, as well as Colifer so beware" I say. Everyone laughs. Well except for Oliver. He's a baby so he doesn't really know what's going on. This might not be so bad. Well except for the part where they're catching on to my crush on Jared. That absolutely CAN NOT happen. Because if they tell him...I'm dead.

Hey guys. This is probably going to be the longest chapter for a little while, and the funniest. Maybe? Just wait til Elize meets the rest of the cast. Lol. Bye guys, don't forget to love Once Upon A Time!!!!

You Chose Me? (Ginnifer And Josh Adoption Story + A Jared Gilmore Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя