Answers to your questions!!!

Start from the beginning

"Do you like eating cookie dough?"


"Fave donut?"

I'm basic so just vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream id choose normal glazed.

"Fave movie?"

I usually always have a favorite movie but I always forget it. So I guess I don't have a favorite movie. But if we were going by what movie I wouldn't mind rewatching it would be nightmare before Christmas.

"I know your fave show and your fave character on that show soo...what's your least fave character?"

Fave tv show: obviously TWD
Fave character:Carl (again, obviously) but if you said anyone but Carl then I'd say Glenn. Small spoiler!!: And you can bet I cried my eyes out when he "died"
Least fave character: Ron...yep definitely I don't hate Enid I actually love her character she just needs to step a few steps to the side from Carl.
No if you were saying out of the adults I'd say Andrea she is just SO ANNOYING. Just some of the things she says its like what? Whyyyyy??
Okay I'm done now.

"Thoughts on emojis?"


I love them! 😀

"Fave emoji?"

Although the nerdy one is in close range.

"Ever broken a body part?"

No but I've fractured my foot before...and had to get my head stapled. The foot thing was because I was jumping of from the top bunk the same time my sister did and she somehow kneed my foot and it bent the wrong way and bruised. I don't even know what happened but it did. And the staple thing was because me and my sister with little girls and our tv was on our dresser she pulled out and stood on the first drawer to change the channel and the thing fell on her and somehow the corner cut open my head. But I didn't even notice until I went to scratch my head and felt a huge hole there it didn't hurt either...yep.

"How in the world can you draw and write so good?"

I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just sort of read other good books got inspired and self taught I guess. The art thing also I just go through some trial and error until I get the image I wanted.

(From MiraShards12 )

"What's ur fave food?"

Sushiiiii!!!!!! California rolls to be exact.

(From Jatanium )

"Eye color?
Fave color?
Fave food?
Sexual attraction? (Thank you...Just wanted to know)"

My eyes are like a greenish brown one is more green one is more brown.
My favorite color is teal or a sea foam color.
My favorite food is sushi!!
And my sexual attraction, I'm asexual


(From hanna_24 )

"Who else on wattpad, do you know outside of wattpad?"

I know l0v3_ChandlerRiggs
BSloves1D Germanyboll2k09 umm I'm pretty sure there are others but I forgot their usernames....

(From Plum_Crazy )

"What's your irl name?"

Cheyenne. 😝

(Following questions from Anna-Annalise )

"What's your favorite season of TWD?"

Right now my favorite season is season 4

"How did you find out about wattpad?"

BSloves1D showed it to me ( so I suggest going over there and reading/voting on her books cause without her I wouldn't have written any stories.

"Favorite animal?"

I don't have a favorite but giraffes are pretty cool I guess

"What pets do you have? If you have a dog what breed is it?"

I do have a dog and I also have a cat. My dog is a (cream colored) pug! :3

"Favorite ice cream flavor?"


"How old are you?"

I'm sorry I can't answer that but I'll let you guys determine how old I am...

"When did you start getting into writing?"

Hm... I can't quite remember the exact time but it was sometime early last year.

"What's one thing you are terrible at and one thing you are good at?"

I'm terrible at acting
And I'm pretty good at face to face lying :p

So guys there are all the questions you asked! Hope I answered to your liking next chapter of my c.r ff will be up soon don't worry the only reason why it's not up today is cause I fly out to Germany tonight. So I'll be sure to update RIGHT when I get into a hotel.

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