Chapter 2: "She's just angry from losing her sistser."

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Carl's POV

"It wasn't your fault you know that right? She's not really mad at you. She's just angry from losing her sister."

Gabrielle's words from when Amy died flow through my head as I walk on the empty road.

"Carl. Slow down." I hear my limping father call from behind but I continue walking.

"Carl! Stop!"

I stop, still looking in front of me waiting for him to catch up.

"We need to stay together. We can find some supplies and a shelter soon." He said as he stood by my side and placed a hand on my shoulder. "We're gonna be fine."

"It's not us that I'm worried about." I tell him and start walking again.


(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey (Y/N)! I found some beans, some fruit and-woah." She said as she walked into the spotless room.

I walked in further and the bed was made, the walls nearly dirty, and an un-smudged window. Gwyn jumps and lays down on the bed as I look in the bedside tables.

"Well this is nice." She says. "Considering the world is trashed."

I find nothing in one and a bible in the other. I walk to the bathroom inside the room and open the door. I immediately try the sink and...nothing.

I look in the mirror cabinet and find two rolls of bandages and an empty can of hairspray. I put the bandages in my bag. I walk out of the bathroom and find Gwyn not on the bed anymore.


"Kitchen" she answers.

I head toward the kitchen and find 4 cans and a box of food spread out on the counter.

"We've got two cans of fruit, one can of beans, one can of tomato soup, and a box of animal crackers." She said holding two of the cans in her hands reading the labels.

"That would be nice to eat...if we had a can opener." I tell her.

"Yeah that's the only thing I didn't find." She said setting the cans back. "I found a fork and a spoon though!" She said with a smile making me laugh.

"No ammo or useful weapons, but I found a bit of medical supplies if it ever comes to us getting hurt." I tell her setting the bag on the island. "Here put the food in here. We should get some sleep. We'll have to go loot another house in the morning."

"You take the bed I'll take the couch incase anything happens." I tell her lying on the couch and sighing resting an arm on my forehead.

She looks at me for a few seconds before speaking. "You miss him don't you?"

"I don't miss him."

"Yeah, okay." She says putting the last can into the bag.

"I'm serious. He broke my heart why should I forgive his ass?" I ask her shrugging.

"Your saying that now. But it's only the first day without him." She put the bag by the couch on the floor. "Pretty soon you won't even know what to do with yourself. I know you two. You love him and he loves you. You don't know what you have until it's gone." She says walking toward the room. Leaving me silent.

I don't miss him and I'm pretty sure I never will. He said he wouldn't kill her and he lied. People who lie to me, especially in a serious situation, shouldn't be forgiven.


I open my eyes and see the blinding sun through the blinds. I get up and grab a can of fruit and set it on the counter I look around and see nothing I can use to open it. I then remember I have my knife. I take it and try putting a hole in the lid leaving a dent. I hit the can again this time puncturing it. I go around the can until I can pry the metal lid off. I grab the spoon and eat about half the can. I walk into the room Gwyn's sleeping in and see she's still asleep. I groan and walk over to the side of the bed.

"Gwyn." No response.

"Gwyn." I say a bit louder. She stirs then rolls over falling back asleep.

I take the pillow next to her and hit her side. "Wake up."


I hit her again. "Wake up."


"You know what fine but I'm leaving whether you're with me or not and I'm taking the stuff." I tell her.

Their were a few moments of silence before she answered. "Fine. I'll get up."

"I left you a half can of fruit on the counter." I tell her walking out.


"What about this one?" I ask her pointing to a two story white house.

"Sure." She says eating a forkful of fruit.

I bust the door open with my foot and take out my knife. I look around the house and it looks completely trashed. I started hitting the wall and yelling. Nothing but growls from upstairs.

"I'll check the kitchen this time." I tell her as she set the empty fruit can on the table and giving me the fork. "Just don't go upstairs. I don't feel like dealing with walkers right now." I tell her putting the fork in the bag.

"Alright. I'll tell you if I find anything." She tells me going to the living room.

I walk into the kitchen and it looks like it's been gone through. The cabinets were open, random broken crap was on the table. It was pretty messy. I looked through the closed cupboards and only found a small bag of chips. I look on the shelfs and see a large can of pudding. I roll my eyes as I remember Carl saying pudding was his favorite while we were playing twenty questions.

"I didn't find anything except two bullets for your gun." Gwyn said tossing them to me.

"I only found a bag of chips." I tell her putting the bullets in my gun.

"Off to the next house." She said heading for the front door.

Maybe Love Is Worth Dying For -Sequel to:Is Love Really Worth Dying For?Where stories live. Discover now