Those lovely words

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~I just knew I wouldn’t die without seeing your beautiful face one last time, Promise you’ll never leave me. ~


Hinata’s POV

The walls around me began to crumble. Not one person and found me yet they all came so close. I felt loved as I heard each of their voices cry out for me in vain.

“Why is it always me?” I question in my sore, mousey tone, “Why do I always have to worry people, with my actions?”

Tears began to rundown my face and into my ear because of the fact that I was lying down. I could hear the groaning of the house as it said its goodbyes.

“I should follow your example and say my goodbyes shouldn’t I?” I asked incredulously, when a voice called out to me.

“Hinata?” There it was again this angelic like voice, my saving grace.

It was then, when a handsome fella appeared in my blind side cautiously approaching, “Hinata what happened?” He asked emotion threatening to take him over, “how did you get here?”

Joy spilled over inside of me as I realised just who this person was, it was Naruto-kun.

“I… I… fell, and I… broke my… ankle.” I replied struggling to catch my breath after each word.

“Shh,” He encouraged gently holding me up bridal style in his arms, “I’ve got you now.”

Even though I was in tremendous pain, my face couldn’t help but turn tomato red as he hoped with me in his arms out of the collapsing house.

“How did you find me?” I asked mystified to the fact that no one could have found me before Naruto did.

“I went into sage mode and located your chakra.” He answered his expression distant, “You’re hurt, I should go find Sakura.”

“No N…Naruto-kun,” I begged, “Please don’t leave me.”

Naruto’s eyes went wide as I said that and his expression in complete disbelief, “Don’t worry, Hinata, I never said I was leaving you not after almost losing you.”

A smile made its way onto my face as he smiled his toothy smile at me, “After locating you I told the others where you were and to follow me after five minutes.”

“Oh.” I muttered my face becoming even redder than before.

“You had my worried to death, Hinata,” Naruto stated with a more serious but scared look of his face, “I thought I was going to lose you.”

With that my eyes met his say a thousand word that his eyes seemed to understand, as he leaned closer to me cradling my limp body in his arms, making sure not to break me.

The heat between us sky rocketed as the gap separating us closed. Our lips were just mare centimetres apart when he said, “Hinata, I Love you too and I don’t know how I would have lived without you and besides I have to thank you for standing up for me infront of Pain.”

With that our lip connected sending a shock down my spine, m.y lips fit perfectly with his as I tried to embrace him without hurting myself more. It felt like years had passed as our lips finally parted, for us to catch our breath.

Naruto blue eyes gazed lovingly into my pale ones as the corners of his mouth tilted up into his signature wide mouth smile. Taking me away from all of my pain and suffering. After a while Sakura arrived with everyone else to heal me, Naruto never leaving my side.


So, how you guys like it? Comment criticise anything. That is my first but not my last Naruto fan fic.

I know Hinata and Naruto many people want this combination but we’ll never know. Masashi Kishimoto is not going to really expand on the love things so I just thought I should write about my own versions of Naruto love. This one was basically after Hinata confessed her love for Naruto he begins to think more on that and well realises that he love her to. Hinata pondering her foolish actions falls into the hands of death causing Naruto to have to jump in and save her. The story ends with Naruto and Hinata in love and well together.

I guess that all sums it up, really hope you enjoyed it.

~~~~~Well ta-ta people of the Milky Way, remember love beats all odds. (even when it includes a Billboard brow pinkette X)

Also it has been requested so there will be another NaruHina coming out soon. I am in the process of writing it. Expect it on the 3rd of February... because that's a special day.

I will put it as an external link or you could find it on my page -Okay so the prologue is out!! Not much pretty short but you'll like the story... I hope :)

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