Chapter 25: Sebastian's POV

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Sebastian's POV
Five years later

I looked up at the sky. Another day with nothing but darkness and blood. Bane had died, as had Wes and Riley. Basically everyone was either hiding or dead. Not me. I was looking for the one who killed Zain. Lars was helping me, also trying to get revenge for a death that shouldn't have taken place. He and I had built our own empire ever since Bane died, we changed the church into a castle of sorts and managed to get people under our rule, not always willing though. Most days we were kept busy by peasants challenging our authority, attacking us with petty home made weapons. They were always slaughtered and now less and less people challenged us. It didn't bother me that I killed them, if they got in the way it was their own fault. Besides, we can't have a rebellion on our hands while we're attending unfinished business.
Thunder rumbled over head, signaling a storm was close. I turned my head towards Lars, he was sitting up on his horse watching the soldiers and I. He nodded his head, letting me know I could let my pack run. I howled up into the sky, calling out to my brothers and sisters. They didn't let me down, they called out their location and what was happening.
"What's the East wing status?" Lars asked.
"There's been a disturbance but it'll be taken care of," I reply, slinking off to the East wing. Lars' horse neighed and trotted away.
"I'm trusting you'll take good care of this."
"Yes of course I will." After his horses foot steps were out of ear shot, I bolted down to the edge of the East wing. Jumping over things, quickly making my way through the thick bushes. As soon as I arrived at the East Wing I was met with something so completely absurd, so outstandingly implausible, it took me a moment to reheated what the hell was going on in front of me.
A black and white wolf shredded through my warriors, slashing at them left and right. Behind that wolf was a sandy colored one making sure the others prey stayed dead by cracking their necks. As more and more wolves piled in, I began to realize what was going on.
"Fucking bullshit!" I cried and then lunged at the leading wolf, only to be knocked aside by his sandy ally.

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