Chapter 7: Lucas's POV

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Chapter 7: Lucas's POV

"No!" The one called Garson screamed. Found them. In the basement. How long had they been down there? I thought maybe Shadow would Teleport to Rome or something like that again. But nope, he's hiding in his basement. He must like it here, either that or he's getting old. It's almost time for him to hand his powers back to Shadow himself and create a new Shadow Henderson. Then Zalin would be all mine. Did Shadow even remember what it was like to be Zalin? He was so weak back then. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be Shadow Bane Henderson, the guy everyone feared. He'd still be pathetic and weak Zalin Frederick Russel. I walk down the steps and see Teal, Shadow, Garson yelling at each other. Garson threw something, what it was I did not know. All I know is that it was yellow and it was aimed for Teal. Teal blocked it with water. Shadow went Static and then disappeared. He reappeared on the ceiling. Teal threw a water ball at him it hit him, making him fall. Garson threw another yellow ball at Teal. This time Teal didn't see it, but Shadow did. He reverted the yellow beam and sent it flying back at Garson. I backed up as another yellow light hit the incoming light. The two beams exploded and made a white light. When the light subsided, the fight continued. Teal threw water at Garson, soaking him from head to toe. He got even madder (if that's even possible), and threw more yellow lights at Teal. Shadow flicked his hand out and a black shadow reached out and ate the yellow light. Garson just hurled another one at him. Shadow split, he has the ability to remove his self conscience and have it as another living being.
"Shadow! Long time no see!" Bane, his self conscience, yelled.
"Bane! Focus!" Shadow yelled at himself. Bane rolled his eyes and went static. Garson hurled two lights at each form of Shadow. The Bane side dodged it easily and became a shadow. The Shadow side allowed himself to be hit by the light, but it didn't do much. He got really angry and launched a himself at Garson. Teal threw water at Shadow. It hit him and scales erupted all over his body. A long lizard tail sprouted from his lower back and wings protruded from his shoulder blades. Long, sharp claws flung from his finger tips, reaching out for the nearest piece of flesh to tear into. Shadow attacked physically while Bane used magic. They were a good team. Garson apparently knows nothing about physical attacks because he was literally being ripped apart.
"Bane! Do something!" I yell.
"Hey knuckle head! Over here you over grown lizard!" Bane taunted himself. Shadow turned around and pounced. He missed of course, but managed to somehow throw a shadow at Garson.
Garson threw light at it, but the shadow just swallowed it. I jumped in front of the shadow and electrocuted it. Immediately it let me go. Garson looked shocked, Bane was trying to calm Shadow down, and Teal was looking at his nails.
"H-hi, I-I'm Garson Jones," he says, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I take his hand and whip it up and down.
"Lucas Henderson, Electric Haunter. What kind are you? I haven't seen that Magic before," I say. He smiled and looked down. He seemed nervous.
"I'm an Electric Angel."
"Huh, really? I can't throw electricity around like that. Tell me, how do you do it?" I throw an arm around him and lead him to a sofa on the other side of the room. We sit down, and I play with his hair. It was so soft! I played with his blonde hair and smelled the sweet perfume. My jeans started getting uncomfortable as I thought about what I could do with him. Would he want to be the dominant? Surly hope not.

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