Kiss You

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Harry and Perrie were currently playing Candyland on the floor in the living room while Louis cooked in the kitchen. Liam had to work today but Zayn and Marcel agreed to watch Niall during Harry's play date so Louis wouldn't have to worry about all three kids which Louis was thankful for.


"Yeah Haz?"

"Are we still hugsband and wipe?" Harry never learned how to pronounce husband  and wife because Liam and Louis thought it was too cute to correct him.

"I thinks so"

"Why don't we kiss like married people on the telly?"

"Don't know."

"you wanna?"

"Okay" Harry got closer to her.

"Imma kiss you now Pez."

"Okay." Harry closed his eyes as did Perrie and he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. They jumped apart when they heard a pot crash to the ground. They saw Louis standing there looking mortified. He picked up one of them in each arm before placing them on the couch and sitting in between them.

"What were you two doing?"

"I gave my wipe kissies like on the telly." Harry giggled.

"No no no baby, you're too little for that, that's for older people."

"Buts we're married."Perrie said. Louis didn't have the heart to tell them that their marriage wasn't real and that Niall doesn't count as a priest.

"Well...yes but you're too young to give each other kissies on the lips. You can kiss each other on the cheek."

"The bumcheeks?" Harry asked innocently.

"NO! the face cheeks." They both just giggled and nodded. Louis felt stressed out and he didn't even know why. They didn't even understand what they were doing, they were just imitating what they saw on the telly. Speaking of which, from now on Harry was only allowed to watch the Disney Channel because Louis would die if Harry accidentally stumbled across movies. If Harry tried to imitate that again Louis would lose his shit.

"What else do married people do?" Louis thought about it, what could he tell Harry?

"Well, they hug each other, and they play nicely together, and sometimes they fight but they always make up because they love each other."

"Were you and dada fighting yesterday?" Louis scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"No, why did you think that?"

"Heard you yellin "daddy spank me" an' I thought he was giving you time out."

Louis went red in embarrassment and covered Harry's mouth to stop him from talking.

"Um, yeah that's what it you guys like cookies?" They both nodded excitedly and ran to the kitchen to eat cookies. Louis just sat there trying to get the blush to disappear from his face when the doorbell rang. He took a deep breath and opened it, seeing Leigh Anne standing there.

"Hey Leigh, they're in the kitchen."

"How was she today?"

"She was great as always but I caught her and Harry kissing and I had to explain to them that it was an adult thing to do." Leigh Anne laughed.

"God I'm not looking forward to explaining things to these two when they're teenagers."

"Me either." Louis and Leigh Anne had a cuppa and sat on the couch talking to each other for awhile, letting the kids play on the floor next to them. Perrie got fussy soon so Leigh Anne said bye to Louis and Harry then took Perrie home.

Thanks for the prompt of them having their first kiss hazelgracemalik sorry it was short but I couldn't think of anything else for this prompt.

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