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"The boss?"

Now who is he?

"The way they called me 'sugar'  in that sickening sweet way just gave me the chills!"

They lead me further into the dark alley and stopped in front of a set of black doors.  It was so dark here my eyes took time to adjust to the surroundings and still it was such that if you never knew doors existed there, you would walk right past, missing the doors.

Surprisingly though, inside was a neat office setup and didn't look the least bit dangerous. I didn't know if I should b happy for that or scared..

The men pushed me into a room and shut the door behind them and suddenly I was left looking at the back of a chair and probably someone's head.
It dawned upon me that something serious was about to happen and that this isn't just a bad dream.  This might change my life, if I make it out alive that is... 

Snapping out of my thoughts I willed myself to be brave and find out why I was brought here, maybe I could crack a deal even..
I cleared my throat and waited in anticipation of "the boss" to notice me.
As soon as that thought came, he turned around.
He looked like he was in his mid 40's and was wearing a grey suit with light stripes and the air around him was authoritative. He had a slight beard beginning to grey showing his age and he was quite striking to look at...must have had girls drooling in his time!

Those honey colored eyes.....

I realized I must have been staring when the corner of his mouth slightly rose into a smirk. He motioned for me to sit down with his hand and I did.

"Nice to finally meet you Ria."

His voice was deep and gave me goosebumps. He had a scary aura around him, like you know when we just know we shouldn't trust this person even if we just met them..

I just kept quite and let him continue.

"Ria, i'll get straight to the point. There is something I need to give you, something very important to me. My name is Theo and I knew your father."

Ok so he isn't gonna kill me?
Wait, what!?
My father? What is all this about?

"Your father was a great man and someone I respected very much. I would like to think of myself as his friend but I don't know if he would agree. "

By now a tear silently dropped onto my hand resting in my lap.

I didn't even realize i was crying...

"A week before his murder, he visited me. He gave me a package and told me something was very wrong and if anything  were to happen to him, I should open the package and carry out the instructions  he had left in it.

I opened the package the day your parents died and I have been watching you ever since, just like your father had asked of me. He told me to wait until you are of this age and to give you a package.

Package? What package?
And what had my father to do with a man like this?

You might not trust a man like me or you might not even believe me but that doesn't matter to me.. I owed your father and this is how he would have wanted me to return the favor.
I don't know what is in the package and it is none of my business anyways.. So here it is" he handed me a white rapped up package from his right hand draw.

He waited patiently for all this to sink and to tell the truth it was all too much...
I slowly took the package from him and held it carefully...

What could be in this?

Hey lovely people! I'm so sorry.. It's a late update I know.. I won't bother you with my life story but I do promise to update more frequently..
Please do vote if you like what I'm writing... It's very encouraging.

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