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A week ago........

I was getting ready for bed on a usual Tuesday night when i heard a noise. It sounded as if it was coming from outside. I slowly looked out of the window only to find two mysterious looking men right opposite our house. I immediately became alert as only Evi and I were home. My uncle doesn't live us. He left my aunt  when she adopted me thirteen years ago and decided not to have any children of her own. I still remember that day, he called her foolish for letting go him and a happy life just for me. I could say the same thing except if it wasn't for her, i would have probably ended up in some foster home and maybe even tortured everyday! She loved my mother dearly and felt it her responsibility  to look after me after her death.

Snapping out of my thoughts, i saw one of the men come closer to the house giving me a better view of him. He was tall and lean wearing a brown leather jacket while the other man seemed shorter and more built. The tall  bald man looked up and spotted me looking at him from my bedroom window. A chill ran down my spine as he smiled wickedly. Something was off about this man and i can't seem to figure out what. 

I took my phone from the side table comprehending to call the police.  But when i looked out of the window again, GONE! The men disappeared.... as if they never existed. 

That was strange....

After closing the window and getting into the comfort of my bed, i started to contemplate my life. I had  finished high school and was now applying to universities all over. Psychology is what i wanted to study because it was the most interesting thing i have ever come across. My father was a psychology professor in the University College London and he always used to say " Psychology looks for the story behind the story"  and that's why it is so much fun. I had yet to apply to the UCL. It was just too painful to think of studying in the same college my father once taught. 

 And with that i let sleep takeover  my thoughts...

The next day, i was going through an old box of things from my closet when i found a photograph. It was of my father apparently laughing at something his colleague seemed to be explaining to him with the university building in the background. " Your father was a great man my dear, one of a kind." Evi said from behind me while keeping a comforting hand on my shoulder. " He loved that place. He used to say he would change the world one day and that that place was helping him do just that." I smiled sadly at Evi all the while trying to control the tears straining to come out of my eyes...

After looking at the photograph for a while i put it away safely in my diary and just then, Evi called me down and told me to purchase few groceries from  the supermarket nearby. She placed a list and some money in my hands. I looked down at my black skinny jeans and over sized t-shirt.

Aghh, it's enough for a supermarket!

Finding exact products from this list was proving to be more of a difficult task than i expected.

I am getting lost in a stupid supermarket! 

I was looking at the huge range of cereal boxes on my left when someone's trolley bumped hard into mine, making me loose my balance and unceremoniously fall to the ground along with the boxes of cereals falling over me as i tried to get a grip of something in an attempt to stop my glorious fall..

"Are you crazy, couldn't you see where you were going??" i shouted, while getting up and dusting myself. " Oh, i'm sorry, maybe if you would have paid more attention to your surroundings, you could have seen me coming and made way!" the guy yelled sarcastically. When i looked up up to see who i was speaking to, i could only stare! He was gorgeous to say the least.. With a height of about 6 feet 2 inches, he had to look down at my 5 feet 6 inches self. But his face was the most striking part, he had the most beautiful blue eyes i had ever seen, a complete contrast to my hazel ones.

He clicked his fingers and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Like what you see sugar?" he said with an arrogant smirk on his face. 

I wanted to wipe that dam smirk right off his face! 

"That's not how you behave with a pretty girl, you should have said sorry by now mister." i kind of shouted pointing my index finger at him and scrunching up my nose slightly. "Pretty? I hope you aren't speaking about yourself Ria." he laughed as he walked right past me. I stood there for a full minute thinking of the amount of arrogance he had but wait a second, how did he know my name?

I didn't tell him..... did i?


Firstly, thank you so much people!!!  Glad to see readers increasing...

Please vote aswell if you like my story so far because appreciation  gives me immense pleasure, it makes me want to write more.  I'm really interested in what you think of the chapter so please share your thoughts.. Don't be a silent comment and vote :) :)  

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