Arrangements And Fantasies

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  • Dedicated to Dylan James

I closed my eyes and waited for it to happen. The screaming. The ‘I knew it‘s. The shock. The surprise. But I was the one to get the surprise. Because when I slowly opened my eyes, everybody was looking at me with a knowing look on their face.

“What?” I asked.

As if they had planned it along. Every single one of them said “You finally see it!” in unison.

“Wait what?” I was puzzled. I thought they’d want the latest gossip and wanting to know everything like they usually did.

Maggie was the one to explain. “Well duh! It’s plain as day that you love him and it’s pretty obvious that he like you too!” Adrenaline coursed through my dead cold body.”Don’t tell me you didn’t know that?” She seemed genuinely surprised.

“You guys knew?” Was all I could say?

“Of course we knew! We’re your best friends. We can read you like a book!” exclaimed Rani.

“Wow. Well thanks guys.” They are pretty supportive my friends. “Wait! Dayln likes me?” they nod. “OMG DAYLN LIKES ME! HE LIKES ME! HE LIKES ME!” I shriek at the top of my voice. “Oh my gosh, he likes me.” I dreamily coo. I am now in my own personal bubble. World War Three could happen and I wouldn’t know it. Only until Kai snaps her fingers in front of my face does my bubble pop.

“Did you just hear anything we said?” She asked.

“No. Sorry.” I apologize tingeing red a little.

“Well after you stopped screaming like a banshee and passed out- we started discussing when we were going to go shopping. We thought maybe a month before, for the dress? A few days after buy the makeup, if we need it. And then the accessories the day after?” Kerry Anne checked with me.

“Have we got an exact date?”

“Well since the Dance is on the 29th of November, maybe the 26th of October? That gives us like a month and a few days to get our money?” Karan suggested.

“Fine by me. All my relatives are dead so no birthdays. And it should be okay cause 26th isn’t too close to Halloween.” Replied Maggie.

“What about Halloween?” asked Rani.

“Well I am a ghost. Halloween is like a second birthday to me. I always haunt people and always got trick or treating!” she squealed. “Speaking of which, you guys coming this year?”

After everybody said yes- who wouldn’t? Trick or treating with Maggie is the best!- we got back to the topic at hand.

“I should be free al that week.” Added Kai. And it carried on that way with the same type of answers ‘til it was my turn.

“Well you see, it’s my step-dad’s birthday then. But I think I can leave it. It’s not like he cares for me or actually does anything for me. So I should be able to skip it. My mum won’t hold it against me.” I explain.

“You better bloody come! We are not going without anyone. Deal?” said a very serious Maggie

We all said deal to Maggie because she was a good friend but when you got on her bad side...... Well. Let’s just say you don’t.

“So it’s settled!” squealed Kai.

“Yep. See you guys tomorrow?” Is what I end that with.

“Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow.” Replied Kerry Anne being the first one to disconnect.

“Yeah I better go wake up the rest. See you tomorrow.” Added Rani, also disconnecting.

“Well see you guys later.” Karan finished, being the last one to disappear off the screen.

“So you guys?” I start.

“Well I don’t know about you but I’m still tired.” Yawns Maggie.

“Same here.” Kai agreed.

“Me too. See you guys like what? Dinner time?” I say laughing.

“Probably.” Says Maggie having another massive yawn.

So after I poured myself a glass of milk I went to bed. Just as I was hung upside down I passed out.

This time my dream was about the Dance. Maggie was the DJ. I could see all the girls dancing with someone in the corner. But I couldn’t see Kai. I looked everywhere and I finally spotted her hiding away with someone. I guessed it was Aden. Awwww they are so cute together! But for me it looked like I didn’t have a partner. I was soon mistaken when I saw Dayln walking towards me with two glasses of what I guessed was whatever was in the punch bowl.

“Sorry long queue.” He said shrugging. I tried to respond but I couldn’t. I was at the Dance with Dayln! Somebody pinch me. Oh wait this is a dream.

Hi guys two things I want to say before you read the next page. First I'm sorry if any of the words are wrong in the songs coming up and Second so sorry about the colours around the words. Please forgive me :) Oh no copywright and stuff like that to The Script and Jason Mraz (no idea what it means and stuff but there we are) Oh and honestly if you havent heard those songs, go and listen to them now! They are amazing!  Anyway that's enough for me, enjoy!

That thought was one of the saddest things I have ever realised.

A familiar song started playing. “Wanna dance?” He asked. Omg! Dayln, dancing, with me! Calm down this is only a dream! Who cares? This is the best dream I’ve ever had! I argued with myself.

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks

Now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool dawn run out

I'll be giving it my bestest

And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.

I reckon, it's again my turn

To win some or learn some.

As the song started he placed his hands on my waist whilst I put mine on his shoulders. I wanted to dance but I cannot dance! I wasn’t too worried because it looked like he couldn’t dance either. So we just gently swayed in our own world.

But I won't hesitate

No more, no more.

It cannot wait,

I'm yours.

Well, open up your mind and see like me,

Open up your plans and damn you're free.

Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love.

Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family

And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

Not only was I dancing with Dayln but he was singing the words quietly! I’m in heaven! I hope I don’t forget this dream!

“I hope you love birds have danced a little but I’m getting bored so let’s party!” Maggie yelled into the mike, ruining my perfect moment.

“Wanna dance?” I asked him with a grin on my face.

“Of course.”

My dream carried on like that for a while going from song to song. Until finally when my favourite song of all time was on ( Six Degrees Of Separation) Dayln pulled me close and whispered into my ear.

“I never want this moment to end.” And guess what! He was bending down like he was going to kiss me. Holy cow he was going to kiss me. Breathe Candy Breathe! Just like you’ve always wanted it’s actually happening. Just before he pressed his lips to mine the dream ended. I woke up with a shock.

“Aw come on!” I shout to the ceiling.

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