Embarrassment, Sleepovers and Secrets

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  • Dedicated to Aaron Vaughan

“That’s perfectly normal-ish. Why are you so worried?” I asked concerned, Kai was one of the few people I knew who always looked on the bright side of things.

“I just don’t know! I feel all weird. Have you ever been asked out by someone you like?” she asked completely oblivious to what she was asking.

Of course I knew what it was like to love someone and I knew what it was like to not know if they loved you back. But not what she was feeling, although I wish I did.

So I just replied with a simple “No.”

“Well this is it! And I don’t want to feel it either!”

“Just relax. Aden likes you! You’re supposed to be happy! Now chill.” I replied soothingly.

I waited until she took a deep breath then I continued. “We are supposed to be having a girly sleepover, yes?” She nodded. “Well then let’s talk about cute boys and giggle. Not cry over them because they asked us out, okay? You are having this sleepover and you are going to enjoy it!” I told her firmly.

“True that sister!” she shouted.

“Okay first some decisions. First we have the movie; we can watch Sweeney Todd, Sleepy Hollow, Les Miserable or Mama? Then we have the food; we can have pizza with cheese, pepperoni, chicken meat feast, pineapple and ham or make our own? And last but not least; should we invite Maggie and some of the others?”

“Um...... all of the movies, of course-“she answered

“Of course.” I interrupted

“And make our own and just Mags. Kai finished.

“You go and call Mags and I’ll go and get the films and order pizza.” I went out in to the kitchen and looked at the fridge for out takeaway menus. When I found the one I wanted I picked up the phone and rang. After I ordered the pizza (whilst going through it with Kai) I made my way in to the living room where Kai was on the phone talking.

“So what time will you be here?” she was saying. Maggie must of replied and Kai hung up.

“What time will she get here?” I asked whilst searching through our DVDs to find our entertainment for tonight.

“She said she’ll be about quarter of an hour.”

“Awesome!” I shouted a bit too enthusiastically.

In about 15 minutes or so Maggie arrived and we watched the first film of the night- Les Miserable. Maggie nearly cried a few times and I’m sure Kai did cry at least twice. A few times the girls made references to who they thought the characters could be in real life. I was a young woman called Eponine who has loved a man all her life but he loves someone else, and in the end she ends up dying for him. I must admit it was a really touching story and I did like the song Eponine sang. But the girls never explained to me why I was her; they just giggled and ignored me.

About half way into the film the doorbell rung, breaking us from the trance we were in. I offered to get it but in the end we all went up to get it.

“Pizza delivery.” We all nodded enthusiastically. “With peppers, pepperoni, ham, pineapple, cheese, tomato and sweet corn?” We nodded so hard it looked like we were bobble heads. “Okay well that’s £ 15.39 please.” I handed him the money as well as a £2 tip and he soon left.

Once we sat down and started eating out pizza, Maggie being Maggie started the conversation off with the usual. “Don’t you think that pizza delivery man was fit?” I groaned. And she looked at me weird. “I’m being serious, Candy!”

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