Search Party

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Mariott Hotel




I walk backstage , ready to take the boys to the hotel and I find them NOT THERE. What the actual fuck. It seems as if we can never have a normal ass tour. Something crazy always happens. 

The first thing I did was hop into my 2013 Honda Accord & drive to the hotel hoping that's where they went. So I bet that it wasn't surprising when I opened the hotel room door and found no one. 

I called Kenneth

Kenneth: Hello ?

Me: Kenneth , don't hello me ! The boys are missing!

Kenneth: What do you mean missing ?

Me: I mean they aren't in their room and they weren't backstage.

Kenneth: Well have you tried calling them. I mean they are 15,16 , and 17

I menatally smack myself in the head.

Me: I didn't think of that, but I couldn't find KG either.

Kenneth: KG is a grown man. He can go wherever he likes.

Me: Yeah but wasn't it KG' s job to keep an eye on the boys. Where is he?


In The Middle Of The Street


What the hell? Where am I? It' s morning already ? I look down and find myself in the same clothes I was in last night. O.O This is most definetely strange.

I turn to my left and I see I'm in the middle of the street . What in the actual fuck ?

Me: Prince ? Prod? Roc? Ray? If this is a tour prank it's not funny.

No one answers me. 

Me: Kenneth? Walter? Keshia? Haha this is very funny...leave KG out in the street. Alright joke over come get me now.

Still no response.  I get up and realize that my head is banging .

Me: Arrrgggh

???: Are you okay?

Me: yeah if you call being left in the middle of a street with a banging headache okay then I'm just peachy.

???: Oh, that sounds eventful. I'm Ava. Do you need anything ?

Me: Like some information on where I am ?

Ava: Oh your on Maple Ave?

Me: Huh, well I'm not from here so I don't know where that is exactly . Can you direct me somewhere ? Like to a place with electricity , so I can get myself together ?

Ava: Well I would offer to take you home, but I don't know you and no bum on the street is going to find out where I live.

Me: Oh so you think I'm a bum on the street to you ? Do you talk to all the random bums on the street?

Ava: *giggles* Well not all of them. But you looked sane enough to approach .

Me: Oh really, now how about those directions.


Back At The Hotel 


When Kenneth and Keisha told me the boys were gone, I didn't know what to do.

Keshia: OMG the boys . I hope their okay. What will I tell their parents? *bawls in tearss*

Me:*pats Keshia's back* Keshia they're fine. They are boys. Everything will be okay.

Keshia: JUST BOYS ?! They are a teenage sensation ! The girls are crazy even with security. Imagine them when the boys are vulnerable. Speaking of security where the hell is Big Mike ?

Big Mike: Huh what ? I'm right here Miss Keshia.

Keshia: Your big ass was supposed to be their bodyguard.

Big Mike: I was Miss Keshia ! I promise.

Keshia: I don't know what you were guarding. It was probably your damn dinner, BUT IT SURE AS HELL NOT THE BOYS !

Big Mike: *scratches head* I don't really remember anything from last night Miss Keshia. 

Keshia: WHAT ? Where the hell did we get him from? *mocks Big Mike* I don't really remember what happened what happened last night. *regular voice*  You were probably splurging on food , big ass. 

Me: *smacks forehead* Kenneth please get her out of here.

*Kenneth grabs Keshia and drags her out*

Me: I'm really sorry about that Big Mike, she's a little delusional.

*from the other room*


Kenneth: So what are we going to do about the rest of the tour and the missing boys ?

Me: We have to put the tour on hold and as for the boys we are going to have to send out a search party for the boys.





A/N: Sorry guys, I haven't posted in a while. I'm going to camp for 2 weeks & I couldn't leave you guys hanging. I might update when I get back . ^_^ 

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