Im left with a heart that has nothing there to love

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I wake up in the bed at the clubhouse with Luca's arm wrapped around me. Last nights events come flowing  back to me and I smile. Then I remember this is the day Luca is leaving. My smile fades into a frown. Luca sits up and kisses my neck.
"What's wrong" he asks. I turn to look at him.
"Your leaving" he sighs.
"Listen. If I want you to be safe and I do. Than I have to go and fight I will be back for you I promise"
"That's what my family said and every time they die I don't want that to happen to you" his expression shows of sympathy then promise.
"I won't leave you if it's the last thing I do. And I have more purpose. I have a girl to love and a girl who loves me back to come back to. I have a mother also. Your father didn't have anyone to love when he came back because if Ash dies your not there anymore. And Ash doesn't have a women to love and again your not there and if your father dies he comes back to a country awaiting his call and he has no family but I have you and my mother to keep me alive and that's all I'll ever need" a tear slips my eye and he pulls me in for a hug. "I've always loved you Piper and now I know how"
In the castle
I'm sitting on the bed while Luca is packing.
"Lucas Ryder Jackson you better come back to me" he smiles.
"Piper rose Parker/Mrs. Jackson I will come back to you if I have to crawl out of the depths of hell to do it" I smile.
"Don't scrape your knee" he walks up to me.
"I'll try not to" and he pulls me in for a kiss. My arms slowly raise to his shoulders and his to my waist. We hear a knock on the door and his mother calls.
"Luca the carriage is here" he sighs and rests his head on my shoulder.
"It's okay go" I say. Even tho I don't believe my own words. He's about to say something but I abruptly stand up and run to the bathroom. I puke into the toilet. Luca comes in and rubs my back.
"Maybe I shouldn't go you look sick" (😉😉 )
"No you need to go I will have Sara call the Doctor if you really want me to"
He sighs.
"Ok I love you" he kisses the side of my forehead.
"I love you to" I walk him out to the front gates.
"Your coming back to me it's not a question or a suggestion it's an order" I say trying to hold back my tears. He gives me a cheeky smile his black hair falling to his face as he bows dramatically.
"Yes my queen" I laugh as he stands up. I put my right hand on his cheek. I look at him face memorizing every feature and detail. His green eyes, the way his hair falls in the wind. His dimples. He gives me a sad and broken hearted look.
"Don't cry princess I will come bak to you" only then do I notice the hot tears falling down my face.
"Don't forget me" I whisper.
"I won't ever forget you, your blonde curls" he runs his hand through my golden locks. "Your smile" his thumb brushes over my bottom lip. "Your cute little nose" he kisses my nose and I laugh. " your deep blue eyes I could get lost in forever" he looks into my eyes. "I will always come back to you. Don't you ever forget that" I nod and we hug for the last time in perhaps a very long time. When the carriage is out of sight. I break down sobbing on the greed grass of the front lawn. I get up and run to the woods to our safe house.
The only place my head can clear.
The only place I can look at the sea and the world and feel him right next to me.
And if I dig deep enough into my heart. Maybe I can ask for my mothers help through this dark time. Because even in the darkest of times...

I can hear her voice...faint,but there. Helping me, guiding me, and that's what I need. Guidance.

"Mother help me" I whisper. And as if she heard me. The wind brushes against my face blowing my hair into my face.
But in that wind if you search deep enough and listen to what you need.
I hear her voice drifting through that wind.

"Yes my princess"
I'm choked up I really am. I just loose myself in my characters and writing. It's a beautiful thing to do. Only the best of writers can have a way with making ideas turn into beautiful work. Masterpieces that touch hearts and make people cry or bring out their emotions through words. I do that to myself. My friends and I hope you guys. Please comment and I'm sorry it took so long to update I've been super busy.

Love u all😘

A Royal painDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora