Broken family

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"Sara what's wrong?" She looks me dead in the eye. Her eyes are bloodshot red and puffy.
"He's dead that monster killed him" my heart rate speeds up.
"Who?" I ask in barely a whisper dreading the answer I know will come.
"Luca" my hand goes flying to my mouth.
"I told him! I told him he should've stayed or he would die like all the rest of the people I love! Am I not allowed to have happiness!" I scream.  Then I pass out.
Dream land.
"Darling" I look up to see my mother.
"I'm so sorry but this had to be done listen we don't have much time but terrible things are to come choose wisely about who you can trust. I will see you again in the future but don't fail your child like I failed you. Now Luca is..." she looks behind her. "I must go just trust your heart and instincts if he was truly dead you would feel it in your soul and heart decide my child is he dead or saving you." She flickers and disappears. I wake up to see the doctor.
"You stressed yourself out too much it's not good for the baby try to calm yourself" I nod.
Everything sinks in.
Luca may or may not be dead.
I'm having a child.
A war is being fought because of me.
I lost all my family.
A crazy psycho is after me.
Oh yeah my baby won't have a father.
My life is helpless.

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