Nothing means more than you.

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So they do do the deed but I don't write that stuff. So just know that they do do it at the end. I WONT be writing it. Not even in a special chapter. I don't write that. If you want that from me to bad because I don't care. Thank you for understanding. I don't want to here any whines about me not writing it because if you don't like the way I write read something else. Please just keep an open mind. This is a crucial and important part to this story.

I wake up in Lucas' arms.
I sigh as I recall last nights discussion.
I get up and take a shower. I put on clothes and walk out to the kitchen.
"Hello milinda" I say to the chef. She smiles.
"Still remember me Piper?"
"How could I not? You make the best food an you always snuck me hot chocolate when they band it from me because I had an addiction" I say using air quotes. She laughs.
"Yes I did. Don't tell Lucas" I pretend to zip my lips.
"I would never sell out my partner" we both smile. "And I never had an addiction I mean it was so chocolatey and amazing. Is it that bad that I couldn't stop drinking it?" She laughs.
"That's why I always snuck it to you" she hands me a stack of pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate.
"For old times sake" she says. I smile.
"Thank you" I eat and we catch up on our lives sharing hot chocolate galore.
"There you are" I turn to see Luca panting in the door way. My smile fades.
"Nice seeing you again milinda" I say standing up and leaving.
"Pipes wait please" Luca says pleadingly.
"No" I say walking away. I hear his footsteps stop and run out to the club house. I sit on the swing and look out to the sun. The water. I sigh.
"Go away Luca"
"No not this time. Why are you shutting me out" I turn and glare at him.
"Oh really? So me not having any family left. Than you going out to war when I need you most and there's a high chance you can die and leaving me with no one. NO ONE. Is that a Goodenough reason? Is that a reasonable explanation?" He stares at me.
"Well it's not my fault you have a psycho    Stalker"
"So it my fault?" He sighs rubbing his eyes.
"That's not what I said" he points out. I stand up and jump into the club house.
"You implied it" I say fuming. "I tell you how I feel that I need you in my time of distress and you say it's my fault I have a crazy psychopath?"
"Stop putting words in my mouth" he says madly.
"Than stop talking and leave me alone" he turns away from me hands on his hips. I can tell he's pissed.
"I will stop talking but I definitely won't leave you alone" he turns and grabs my waist bringing me into a kiss. I try to push him away but he grabs my wrists. Finally I give into the kiss. He lets go of my wrists bringing his arms around my waist. I put mine around his neck pulling on his hair. He groans and brings us to the small bed in the corner.

Let's say we never left that night.
I told u I don't write that stuff. I did write a little heated moment but that's it so don't crab at me.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Luv ya.

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