I opened up the medicine cabinet to take a tylenol for my headache. Then I threw on something comfortable yet still cute, grabbed my purse an keys, and headed out.

My stomach was growling pretty loud, so I decided to go through the McDonalds drive thru and order myself two sausage biscuits, a hash brown, and a breakfast burrito. I was pretty hungry since last night I threw up all the food in my stomach. While I was waiting in the long ass line, I called August.


"Yeah baby?" He said into the phone.

I scrunched up my face. "Wow... Good morning to you too, August."

He chuckled. "Sorry... Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"

I giggled. "Fine, thanks for asking. I wish you had done that before you scheduled me this doctors appointment."

"What? Ask?" He laughed. "Baby, you already know what would've happened if I had asked. You would've told me that you were fine and then talked me into believing it."

"Because I am fine." I said back, putting an emphasis on am.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure. Last night really caught me off guard and made me worry. You know how they say its better to catch all those serious illnesses early--"

"August, I don't have cancer or anything like that. It was just a little stomach bug." I said while moving up a spot in the line.

"Like I said, I want to be sure that it was just a stomach bug." He stated. "I just want to make sure you good, baby."

"But I'm telling you that I am."

"Well, that's not enough. I want you to go to the doctor, and you gone go to the doctor." He said with a little authority in his voice. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"But babe I--"

"I don't want to hear all that, Zo. Just go to the doctor. Just--Just let me get some kind of professional assurance that my girl gone be aight, okay?" He pleaded with me.

A small smile spread across my face. "I guesssss..."

"So, you gone go for me?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm going." I said as I pulled up to the first window.

"Thank ya' baby." He said to me, relief evident in his voice.

"Mmhm. I have to go baby." I said while pulling up to the window. "I love you."

"Love you too. Call me after your appointment and let me know how it went."

"I will."


I paid for my food and decided to eat my burrito on the way to the doctor. I nodded my head and sung along to Destiny Child's "Independent Women" while eating.

When I finally got there, I got myself together and went inside. I told the secretary my name and she told me the doctor would see me in a few. I took a seat in the waiting room and sat quietly. While waiting, I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked up to see a young girl, probably around fourteen, trying to discreetly look at me. I shrugged it off and just grabbed a magazine to read. A few seconds later, someone was standing in front of me. I looked up, and it was that fourteen year old girl.

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