7 - The world above us

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Micheal approached the fifth door in the room that Jax forgot to mention when he lead me through here. The door opened and a very bright light met my eyes.

Micheal stepped through the door first, then Jax and then I closely followed. 

The bright light was the sun which I hadn't actually seen in a week, so I brought my hand up to my eyes to shield from its harsh light. The air smelled fresh and clean...sort of. Smelled a lot better than the musty smell of death masked by flowers.

When my eyes finally adjusted I noticed that we were standing in front of a very small, very battered down house in the middle of a run-down neighborhood. I glanced between Micheal and the house, very confused.

"It's a lot bigger on the inside." He smirked.

"But how...?" I trailed off not knowing how to ask the question.

"Like I said, think of my place as a space between realities - a middle area. Not living but not completely dead. This little house is a space holder for mine and when we walk out of my house it randomly chooses an abandoned home to occupy in the area that we need. If anyone else would enter this house it would look like a normal abandoned home.  Think of it as...magical."

"Oh great, there's magic in this world too?" I muttered to myself as Micheal and Jax walked off.

They walked at a brisk place and I easily caught up. 

"So the highway crash is up first." I overheard Micheal saying to Jax. "I'll be at the direct scene with Paige and Jax I need you to go to the hospital where any stragglers will be left." Jax nodded and took an abrupt left, crossing the street to head to his next destination.

Micheal and I continued walking directly into town. 

"So how do people see you now? Can they see what I see? Do they see you at all?"I asked in amusement.

Micheal smirked. "You're certainly a curious girl huh? Well if you must know, then no, no one can see me as I actually am. Like how you and my family do. To some I may be just another random person on the street, or someone they think is very familiar and some don't see me at all. My image may flicker genders as well. I hate when it happens. Becoming a female is amusing but also annoying."

He looked down at me and smiled. His eyes were blue. He blinked and his eyes were back to black.

I shook my head, trying to grasp the concept and decided not to ask anymore questions. 

We continued to walk for a while until civilization became scarce and we eventually ended up walking right next to a highway entrance ramp. Cars and trucks zoomed by without a second glance.

Micheal looked at his watch and sighed. "We have about 5 minutes, might as well take a little breather." Micheal took a deep breath in and sat down in the grass, crossing his legs.

 I soon did the same and we sat in silence. There was another question that I've been itching to ask ever since I learned about what he did but I just didn't know how to put it.

"Spit it out."

My head spun to him. "What?"

"You have this strange look on your face. Like you want to ask me a question."

Okay that was weird. "Uhm...yeah. Thousands of people die a day..." I trailed off.

"Yeah? You're point?"

"Well if you're death and you're here taking care of these souls...what about the other souls that need to be taken? There's only one of you and billions of people...right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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