6 - An explanation please?

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My eyes groggily opened and I yawned. The lights were turned on in the room I was sleeping in and I groaned. Who did this to me?

I rolled over onto my side and glared at the clock that was sitting on the nightstand before me.

"7 a.m?!" I shouted out-loud.

A grunt came from the floor and I sat upright to peek at what was there.

Jax was laying on the floor with a small blanket that barely covered his body. He was still wearing his clothes from the night before...as was I. I don't how I wasn't uncomfortable and why I didn't change. This dress was getting kind of itchy.

"Why are you yelling?" A sleepy Jax exclaimed from the floor. 

"Sorry..." I muttered while I stood up .

Jax stood up and stretched his back and cracked his neck, and then proceeded to yawn. "That floor is terrible to sleep on. I remember falling asleep on the bed. Did I move myself?"

"Well not exactly," I giggled. "I kind of pushed you off the bed and you never woke up. I felt bad so I put a blanket on you."

"Well thanks, I appreciate it." Jax said as he rubbed his neck, his voice thick with sarcasm.

I beamed at him. "You're welcome. By the way do I have to venture all the way back to my old room to get clothes? Do I even have clothes here? Annabelle told me this was her dress."

He waved his hand towards the wall where there sat a dresser and next to it a tall oak wardrobe. "Yeah you have clothes down here. Some of your old ones from when you were living, and some new that Belle picked out for you. They should be in here already. Someone probably moved them while we were sleeping. Micheal likes to get a really early start to his days."

I wandered over to the dresser and wardrobe in the corner as Jax continued to stretch himself out. I pulled open the closet doors and of course...all dresses and skirts most likely courtesy of Annabelle. I owned one dress when I was alive and I bet she threw that one away. 

I shuffled through the dresses and picked out a long-sleeved black one with white polka dots that looked like it would come down to my knees. It was very humid in the garden and that long dress that I was wearing made me very warm in that room. 

When I picked my outfit out I turned around to see Jax still standing there at the end of the bed scrolling through a smart phone.

"You get service down here but no cable?" I questioned as I walked towards to what I assumed was the door to the bathroom.

Jax smiled at me. "Yeah we can communicate with each other down here by text or call but no communication with the outside." He took a few strides towards the door when he stopped. "Oh by the way Micheal wants you in the kitchen in 30 minutes."

He then left the room, leaving me alone.

I quickly took a hot shower which was very relaxing because I haven't had a proper shower since I was alive. I rubbed all of my makeup that I had on from the night before. I rummaged through the cabinets and I found a small bag that was full of makeup products. I applied a little mascara and some color to my lips and cheeks. I towel dried my hair and left it down and straight. I threw on the dress realizing I only had about 5 minutes lets to get to the kitchen.

I ran out of the bathroom and searched the closet for any comfortable shoes and I only found heels. I sighed in defeated and threw on a black pair and raced out the door in a hurry.

I fumbled through the hallways and finally came to the dining room after what seemed like forever. I slowed down and entered the door that Jax said was the kitchen.

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