Chapter 20

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Here guys as promised heres chapter 20

Amatallahs pov

I put on my flowing black skirt and my purple v necked tunic. I wrapped a purple, black, and white patterned scarf around my head and made sure my shirt didn't show any part of my body. Then, I put on my black flats and grabbed my purse, just as I heard a beep come from outside.
"Mama!" I yelled. "I'm leaving!"
Mama stepped out in the hallway, Muhammad in her arms. "Okay sweetie. Have fun! You have money, right?"
"Yes Mama I do," I said, planting a kiss on each cheek and then on the sleeping head in her arms. "Asalamu Alaikum."
I went outside and slid into the passenger seat. "Hey guys."
"Salam!" Susanna said. "You like my greeting?"
I grinned. "Beautiful."
"Okay, let's go!" Amy said as she started to drive. "I cannot wait for a day at the mall!"
"I hope we find everything we need," Susanna worried.
"Girl, we, like, aren't leaving the mall till we have completed prom outfits!" Amy declared.
"Hey Amatuallah, what did you decide to do about the art project?" Susanna asked.
I grimaced. "I'm not sure yet," I stated.
"You will be fine," Amy smiled at me. "As you always say, in shaa allah khair."
"Thanks Ames," I flashed her a smile.
"We are here! Look Amy, there's a parking spot next to the door!" Susanna pointed, and Amy quickly parked.
"Hey Sus, did you get a date for prom yet?" Amy asked her as we entered the mall.
"Michael asked me," she said. "I still have a major crush on him and couldn't say no. I hope I don't regret it."
"I just hope you don't get hurt," I said with a frown.
Susanna looked uncomfortable. "What about you, Amy?"
"Don't you know?" she asked, surprised. "Scott asked me!"
"Really?" she faked enthusiasm.
"Yeah!" she squealed. "So now I have to look perfect."
Susanna shot me a glance, and I turned away, biting my lip. I didn't want anyone to see I was upset. It might be a good thing, I reasoned. If he goes out with Amy, then it would be easier for me to restrict myself. I took a deep breath, and ignoring Susanna's piercing glare, I said, "Come on! Let's go find your perfect outfits then!"
Amy spotted forever 21 and dragged us all in. we all separated and gushed over the cute outfits, but we decided that none of this was prom material. Nevertheless, Amy managed to walk out with three overflowing shopping bags. Our next stop was at Lenoir's Boutique, a store filled with prom dresses.
The store was color coordinated, so everyone narrowed down their choices by color. As I passed a coral dress, I stopped to look at it. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. I imagined myself wearing this dress, going to prom and dancing with Scott. Quickly, I shook the memory out of my head.
I resisted the urge to admire it further, and moved along to look at the other dresses. Soon, I heard Susanna call my over.
"This dress looks so great!" she said, lifting the coral dress I was just admiring. It was an ankle length ball gown with a ruffled bottom and a white ribbon around the waist.
"Yeah it does," I agreed, touching it's amazing silky material. "You should try it."
"Are you kidding?" she looked at me as if I was crazy. "I meant for you! It looks great with your skin tone!"
"Go try it on!" Amy said, coming over.
I agreed to try it on for fun, so I hurried over to a fitting room. Once I finished, I called them over, and they crowed in.
"That looks amazing on you!" Amy said.
"Shows off your lovely curves very nicely," Susanna said, and I blushed.
"Too bad I don't need a dress," I said with a sigh.
"You have to buy it!" Amy shrieked.
"If you don't get it, I'll get it for you!" Susanna threatened.
"I can't let you do that," I gasped. "But I can't get it either. It's expensive."
"Listen girl, this dress is too great to pass up," Amy reasoned. "You get it and wear it to the next event you go to."
"Fine," I agreed, and went to change out of it. When I came out, Amy informed me that Susanna was trying on her dress.
"Oh my, you look gorgeous," I told her when she stepped out.
"Seriously," Amy chimed. "It brings out the shine in your eyes, and displays your body beautifully."
It was a jade, strapless dress with rushed lace overlying the fitted bodice. It had sequins and beads lining the waistline and a slightly flared skirt with a slight train to finish off the look.
"And the price is the best thing! It is only $162!" she sighed and danced around in her dress.
"You definitely have to get this," Amy decided.
"Who said I wasn't going to? I'm in love with it!" she declared, hugging herself.
"Come on Sus. You got to change and pay for it so we can hunt for my dress," Amy urged her.
"What exactly do you want?" I asked as Susanna went to change.
"Something that will make me stand out," she decided. "And it must be super attractive!"
"We won't find anything like that her," I looked around. "Let's try somewhere else."
Susanna quickly came out and paid for her dress and we left the store.
"Look, its bath and body works!" Susanna pointed out. We all rushed over, once Amy realized there was a sale.
We all split it up and gathered our favorites. I got a vanilla sugar body lotion and a coconut sunset shower gel. I also picked out some watermelon lemonade soap and scented candles. I looked over at Susanna and Amy and couldn't help but laugh. They seemed to buy one of everything, and when we left, they both ended up with over five bags each.
After shopping around, we finally found Amy's dress of her dreams. It was a blue, strapless mermaid dress made of lace and covered in sequins. She tried the dress on and immediately fell in love with it. The price was perfect too, only $147.60!
"Now it's time for accessories!" Amy announced.
I groaned. "I think I'm all shopped out," I admitted. "I love shopping, but this was way too much."
"How about we stop for some lemonade and fresh baked cookies at the food court before we continue?" Susanna suggested.
"Yes!" I said. "Race you there!"
I took off running full speed, despite the number of shopping bags I had. Amy and Susanna followed me, but I wa the first to reach the store. Their shopping bags kept weighing them down, and it was a while before they appeared.
"That was not fair!" Amy declared. "You like, didn't have as many shopping bags."
"If it makes you feel better, I'll buy the cookies and lemonade," I laughed.
"Good idea. You probably have the most cash amongst us," Susanna again referenced the shopping bags and we all laughed.
"Alright, find a table for all your luggage, and I'll be right behind you," I ordered. "Oh, here's my luggage too!" I left my bags by them and skipped away with a giggle.
I quickly got the food and then found them. when I got there, I saw a few of our classmates were talking to Amy and Susanna.
"I got the most beautiful dress!" Amy gushed. "You are going to be so jealous when you see it."
"Jen's dress is astonishing," Marc said. "You cannot beat hers!"
"We will just have to wait and see," Amy said. "Wait till I win homecoming, just you wait."
"Alright Queen Amy," Jen said.
"Wait Jen, why does Marc know what your dress looks like?" Susanna asked suspiciously.
"You caught me," she said sheepishly. "I still didn't get my dress yet, but I'm sure it will be amazing!"
Marc nodded for emphasis. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. "It will be fabulous!"
I didn't want to walk up to the table, especially not with the way those two were acting. However, I knew they were waiting for me, so I just hoped they would leave when I came.
"Here's our snacks!" I said cheerfully.
"Oh yay!" Susanna said. "Thanks Amatuallah!"
"Do you guys mind if we join you for a snack?" Marc asked. "Robert and Sarah are here too. I can call them over, and then maybe we can go see a movie together."
"Great idea!" Amy gushed.
"I'm not sure about that," I said slowly. "We still have a lot of shopping to do."
"No, we need a break, girl!" Amy said.
I shot Susanna a look, but she didn't notice.
"Hey Rob!" she exclaimed as he and Sarah joined us.
"Hey guys what's up?" he replied, narrowing his eyes as he noticed me.
Sarah followed his gaze, and then wrapped her arms around him protectively. "Come Rob, let's sit next to Amy."
"Guess what I heard?" Jen said. "Jake is going to surprise Maria and rent a limo to take her to the prom. Isn't that so romantic?"
"Ooh yeah! He is so cute!" Sarah gushed.
"Would you like that too?" Jake asked her.
"Well, it won't be a surprise then," she said.
"You never know," he said, twirling the end of her ponytail around his finger.
"Wow, the movie starts in ten minutes! Bro, we need to go get good seats!" Marc said, and everyone jumped up.
"Wait, what do I do with all this shopping?" Amy wailed, pointing to her bags.
"I'll take them to the car," I offered.
"All of them?" Susanna stared. "I'll help you."
"No it's fine, I'll manage," I said. "You guys go catch the movie."
Susanna looked like she wanted to stay and say more, but Amy dragged her and they rushed after everyone else to go to the theater.
I stayed on the table for a few minutes, stalling. Then, I sat at the table and rearranged things in the bags so I could try to ease my load. Finally, I took the car keys Amy left for me and went to put everything in the car, talking my time. By the time I came back, I realized that I only missed the first half hour of the show, and that there was still at least another hour before the movie ended. I wandered around the mall, window shopping. By the time the movie ended, I had seen the perfect shoes and accessories to match both Susanna and Amy's dresses. I promised to show it to them once the movie ended, and made my way to a fitting room so I can pray. By the time I finished my prayer, I was sure the movie had ended by the number of texts I received from Susanna. I texted her and told her I was in Macy's, and she told me they would be right there.
"There you are! You missed the movie!" Amy called as she spotted me. Thankfully, it was only Amy and Susanna.
"Oh, maybe I can see it another time," I said cheerfully. "But you two need to come see what I found for you!"
Before they could say anything, I led them to the shoes. There, I pointed out the perfect strappy silver heels for Amy and the jade platform heels for Susanna. Both squealed in delight to find the right shoe sizes. I quickly showed them the jewelry and the clutch bags I found. Both satisfied, we went to ring them up.
"We got everything we need!" Amy announced. "Maybe we should call it a day."
"Yeah, I'm so tired," I said.
"Alright. Let's go," Susanna said, and linked her arm with mine. Then, she whispered, "So Amatuallah, you want to explain now?"
"You know I can't hang out with boys," I replied abruptly.
"Oh," she said, and gave me a side hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize."
"It's okay, as long as you had fun," I said.
She smiled and said, "Not as much fun as I have with you. I never had as much fun with anyone before than I do with you."

Hoped u guys liked it i cant believe the stories almost done theres 2 more chapters and an epilogue left 😊

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