Chapter 13

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Sorry guys been its 5 days late and i left u guys at a cliffhanger but now u will know what happens next so heres the next chapter

Suzys pov

Scott, stop! You're going to kill him!" I shrieked.
Scott stopped, but didn't let go of him. "Who do you think you are?" he growled. "Don't you dare ever think about touching my sister, you worthless piece of junk!"
Satisfied that he wasn't going to beat him more, I turned my attention to Amatuallah, and screamed. She was unconscious, yet Amy was still beating her.
"Amy!" I yelled and rushed to her side. "Stop! Get off of her!"
"What is going on here?" a voice boomed. I looked up and saw Principal Franklin.
"Principal Franklin," Michael gasped. "Get him off me!"
"Both of you stand up!" then she looked at Amy and me. "You too! All of you, to my office!"
"Principal, I-" Scott started to tell her that he wasn't a student.
"No interruptions!" she glared at him.
"But Amatuallah is unconscious!" I blurted before she could stop me.
She came closer and felt her pulse. "Oh my! It's very weak. You boy, come help me carry her to my office," she spoke to Scott, and then turned to me. "Can you contact her parents?"
"I don't have their number, but I'm sure I can pull it off of her phone," I said, and pulled her phone out of her pocket. Also, um, in her religion, a boy shouldn't touch a girl he isn't related to. Maybe I can carry her."
"Don't be ridiculous. This is an emergency," she stated. "Just call her parents. And all of you, to my office!"
As I walked, I dialed her father's number. I didn't want to call her mom, as she was pregnant and I didn't want to worry her.
"Hello? Hi Mr. Safwani. This is Susanna. Yes, I'm good. Um, something happened at school. Would you be able to come? You see, Amatuallah is very ill, so I'm taking her to the principal's office. Okay I'll see you soon. Don't worry. I'm sure she's okay."
I hung up as we reached the office. There were only two chairs besides a couch and Principal Franklin's chair. Scott laid down Amatuallah on the couch and Michael and Amy slid into the available seats. I knelt on the floor near Amatuallah and held her hand. Scott leaned against the wall.
"Now then, will someone please explain to me what happened?" Principal Franklin asked, looking around the room.
"I will, gladly," Michael offered.
"Go on," she nodded.
"You see, I was in the hallway, talking to my girlfriend," he started, gesturing to me. I gagged and was about to correct him, but the principal glared at me and I stopped. "So, she was mad at me, so I wanted to see if we could talk. All of a sudden, this guy came out of nowhere and began attacking me. I was so shocked I wasn't able to fight back. Finally, you came and stopped everything. If you didn't come, he might have killed me. Even my girlfriend thought he was going to, because she kept telling him to stop. And for that, I owe you my life. Thank you. I am forever indebted to you."
"Cut the act, Michael!" I growled at him.
"Silence!" she said. "Now Michael, what about the unconscious girl?"
"Oh, you know girls," he said with a chuckle. "Always fighting about something. Girls are so dramatic. They were probably fighting about wearing the wrong color shoes or something silly like that."
"Alright. Is that all?" after he nodded, she turned to Amy. "Your turn."
"Well, I was walking with Michael in the hallway when he spotted his girlfriend and told me he needed to talk to her about something," Amy described, speaking with confidence and not skipping a beat. She looked the principal straight in the eye. "So while he was going to talk to her, I decided to give him some privacy and suggested to Emma that she should come with me."
"Her name is not Emma!" I shrieked.
"One more word out of you, and I will suspend you," the principal gave me the death glare. "You are in enough trouble as is. Alright dear, you can continue."
"So anyway, I told Emma that we should give them some space so they can figure things out. For some reason, she freaked out. I guess she thought they were going to talk bad about her and I didn't want her to hear so I took her aside or something. I have to be honest. I'm not entirely sure why she freaked out, but she did. She started to attack me and pulled my hair. Out of self defense, I pushed her and she fell down and slammed her head against the floor. I didn't mean to hurt her. I really hope she's okay." She sniffed and looked down.
"Don't cry, dear," the principal comforted her and handed her a tissue. "Don't worry. I'm sure she's going to be alright. Now is there anything else you need to add? What about what happened with Michael?"
"Oh it happened exactly the way he said," she said. "That's all."
"Michael's girlfriend," she stared at me. "Now, you have permission to speak. Mind you, I want to hear the truth, and nothing but the truth."
I gaped at her. "Don't worry. I don't lie. First off, I have a name. It's Susanna Wilson, okay? Second of all, I am NOT his girlfriend. Never was, and never will be, got that?"
"If you cannot speak to me respectfully, then I will not even listen to anything you have to say," Principal Franklin warned.
I sighed. "So Amatuallah and I were walking in the hallway when these two came out of nowhere."
"And what were you doing so late after school?" she asked suspiciously.
"Talking to Mr. Moore about an upcoming test. You can ask him if you don't believe me," I told her.
"Don't worry about that," she said. "Now continue."
"Well, what Michael and Amy said is true about Michael wanting to talk to me. I expected him to approach me because I was and still am mad at him, but I refused to talk to him."
"Because you felt like being stubborn?" the principal asked.
"No, just because I simply didn't want to talk to him," I corrected her.
"Sounds like stubbornness to me," she jotted something down. "Go on."
I glared at her. "Okay. So Michael forced me in a corner and refused to let me go until I talked with him. I screamed and struggled, but he held me down. My brother heard my screams and thought I was getting hurt, which, technically, I was, so he attacked him and tried to protect me. As for Amatuallah, Amy attacked her first because of her religion and said all types of mean things to her. Amatuallah is actually a pacifist, so she tried to defend herself without hurting Amy, and also her left arm is still injured, which, may I remind you, was because of Amy."
"So can you explain to me why you were screaming? And also, how did Michael hurt you?" she asked.
"I was screaming because Amatuallah was getting killed and no one was doing anything about it," I said. "As for Michael, It wasn't physically if that's what you are asking. It's a completely different story."
"Is that all you have to say?" she asked.
"Yes," I told her. "Thanks for listening to me."
"It's my job to be fair in judging," she replied. "Now, I want to hear the account from you brother."
"Hi. I'm Scott," he said. "And just an FYI, I don't go to this school."
"Then why were you here, attacking my innocent students?" she asked.
"My sister hadn't come home yet, and I was worried about her, so I came to pick her up after she didn't answer my phone calls. And your lovely students aren't all innocent," he said. "Nope. Michael is nowhere near innocent. More like a devil."
"Excuse me, but I will not allow name calling," Principal Franklin interrupted him.
"Alright fine," he said. "So I know Michael, and he hurt my sister before. So when I heard her screams and saw her cornering her, I thought he was harming her again. So I attacked him, so I could protect my sister. As for the girls, I don't know what happened, but all I know was that Amy was sitting on top of an unconscious Amatuallah when I noticed them.""
"Okay then, is there anything else anyone wants to add?" Principal Franklin asked, and looked around the room. "Nothing? Okay then. Amy is one of my best students in the school, and her record is clean. She is the type of girl who stands up for bullying, not starts it. I do not believe she would bully someone because of her religion, and because it is your word Susanna, against both her and Michael, I'm going to have to believe their version of what really happened. Amatuallah must have been pretty jealous of Amy and attacked her."
"Amatuallah is not the jealous type!" I interrupted.
"You can never really understand a person," she said, giving me a warning look. "Now Amy, I know you panicked because you never get involved with types of things like this and so you didn't know how to act, but your self defense did go a bit too far. For that reason, I will have to give you a suspension warning, okay? As for Amatuallah, she will be suspended for three days and after that will have two weeks of detention along with additional counseling."
"That is not fair!" I shrieked. "You didn't even hear her side of the story!"
"Susanna! I do not appreciate your behavior one bit!" Principal Franklin said, disgusted. "I think you need some counseling time too, and I will give you two weeks of detention as well. Be lucky I won't suspend you. As for Michael, you did nothing wrong. You just wanted to fix the problems between you and your girlfriend, and I applaud you for that. You are free. And Scott, next time I will call the cops."
I stood up, dumbfounded by the way this was all going. "So you really believe that was self defense? Self defense equals unconscious girl? Imagine she really was fighting her, then what would have happened? Amatuallah would be dead? I thought you said you were going to judge fairly! Well, this is unfair!"
"Maybe I should reconsider suspending you," the principal said. "Your manners are atrocious! We need to do something about that. I must talk to your parents. You certainly are one trouble maker."
Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Amatuallah's dad walked in. "What happened here?"
"It is a long story," Principal Franklin said, standing up. "I'm sure we can discuss it another time. The important thing now is to rush her to a hospital, no?"
"Of course," he said. He picked up his daughter and then rushed out of the room without another word.
"Amy, you can leave now," the principal said. "You too Michael. Just before you go, I want you to promise me that you will work things out with your girlfriend. And also, try to be a good influence on her. You seem like a nice boy."
"Of course," he promised.
"Great," she smiled. "Goodbye now."
The two left the room and I, tears streaming down my face, went after them.
"Susanna, wait!" Principal Franklin called but I ignored her.
I opened the office door and yelled, "Cowards! You cowards! I hate you both! I hope you rot in hell for this, you cowards!"
"Susanna, come here!" she ordered.
I turned around. "I hate you too! Amatuallah could have been killed and you just sent the guilty away as innocent! This is unjust! Well, I can't change your unjust judgment, because no matter what I say, you won't believe me. I will leave this to God; He will be the judge for this."
With that, I stormed off, Scott right behind me. "Susanna, let's go see if we can visit Amatuallah and check up on her."
"Good idea," I said. "I'm in no rush to go home, where my new enemy is just next door!"
"You know, you shouldn't let your friendship end because of Amatuallah," he said. "Amy is a good friend for you. It's not worth losing her because of this."
"That's not the only reason," I muttered. "Never mind. Let's go find Amatuallah."
We called her phone a couple of times, but no one picked up. So, we decided to check out the nearest hospitals, and were lucky to find her at the second hospital we visited.
"How old are you?" the nurse asked.
"17 and 20."
"Here's a visitor's pass. Room 245," she said.
We hurried to the elevator, and then easily found her room. Her parents were standing right outside of the room, talking to a doctor.
When they saw us approach, Mr. Safwani said, "Ah, these two will tell us what happened. They were in the school when I went to pick her up."
"Amatuallah and I were walking in the hallway when two other students, Amy and Michael, approached us," I explained. "Amy attacked Amatuallah and started to beat her with her shoes and hands. Then, she took her head and banged it against the floor until she fainted."
"Oh my," Mrs. Safwani said and mumbled something in Arabic.
"Is this true?" the doctor peered at Scott.
"Unfortunately, yes," he said. "But the principal didn't believe this and she decided that Amy did this to Amatuallah out of self defense."
The doctor frowned. "The injuries here to do not point to self defense. I will talk to the principal and make sure she knows how severe the injuries are."
"Thank you, Doctor Saed," Mr. Safwani said and the doctor left. Then, he stuck out his hand to Scott. "Thank you for coming and telling us what happened."
"Um, there's something I need to mention," I said and they all looked at me. "The principal had asked Scott to carry Amatuallah to her office. I know it's wrong in your religion for that to happen, and I tried explaining to her, but she didn't listen. I'm sorry."
Mrs. Safwani smiled. "Our religion is very flexible and because it was an emergency, he did nothing wrong. Don't worry about it."
"So, um, can I see her?" I asked shyly.
"Well, she isn't awake yet, but yes you can. Come on in," she said.
"Even me?" Scott asked.
"Yes. Welcome," she ushered us in.
"Amatuallah! You are awake!" I cheered and ran over, giving her a half hug as she was lying down. Mrs. Safwani looked just as relieved as I'm sure I did.
"Hey Susanna," she said tiredly. "Am I in a hospital?"
"Yes," her mother said quickly. "And the doctor says you are going to be fine, Alhamdulillah."
"Alhamdulillah," Amatuallah repeated. "What happened after I blacked out, Susanna?"
"Basically, after Michael let go of me, I tried to pull Amy off of you, but I couldn't. Then, the principal came and took us to her office. She had everyone take a turn and tell her what happened. And guess who she believed? Tweedle dee and tweedle dum, that's who! Amy, that teacher's pet, didn't get in trouble at all, except for a suspension warning. As for Michael, -that idiot I wanted to kill him! - He got away with nothing! The only thing she asked him to do was be a better influence on his so called girlfriend, me! As for you, she suspended you for three days and two weeks of detention and counseling. I got two weeks of detention and counseling too. I hate that woman so much! She was being unfair and she knew it!"
"Susanna, please calm down," Amatuallah said.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to over excite you," I said quickly.
"No it's fine," she said. "I just don't want you to say anything bad about someone behind their back. It's not good and will get you nowhere. In fact, Islam teaches us that when you backbite, it's like you are eating their dead flesh."
"Gross!" I squealed.
"Did you have a good meal, Susanna?" Scott chuckled and I glared at him.
"Well then what can we do?" Susanna asked. "It doesn't seem fair that they got away with it."
"Remember what you said before you left?" Scott asked. "That God will judge for us?"
"Susanna, you said that?" Amatuallah asked happily. "You're totally right. God will judge her for it, not us. We can't play God and judge her. What we can do is pray."
"Can you pray for us?" I asked suddenly, and then blushed. "Oh I hope that wasn't disrespectful! I never really learned how to pray and I'm interested to see how you do it."
"It's not disrespectful at all," Mrs. Safwani said and nodded to her daughter. "Go ahead, love."
"Okay, well if you want to, you can pray too. All you have to do is say Amen after I say every part. I'll make the dua in Arabic and English, so I'll pause in case you want to say Amen," she explained. After that, she led us through a quick prayer.
I noticed that during the prayer Amatuallah didn't wish bad for anyone. Instead, she said good things and asked God to guide them and give them happiness and success. I don't know why she did that, but I liked it.
"So that's it?" I asked. "You're done? How do you know if it is accepted?"
"Your dua is always accepted if it is something good," she said. "Oops. I mean prayer. Sorry. But anyway, it is always accepted, but not right away. Like for example, if you pray and ask for a million dollars, it's not going to suddenly appear from thin air. No, maybe you will win a prize or something. But it will always be accepted, even if it is not how you expected it. So for example, you ask for a new car, and you really want a Mercedes. The next day, your dad surprises you with a new car, a Lexus, for your birthday. That is Allah answering your prayer, but in a better way for you. you asked for the Mercedes, but Allah knows that if you got the Mercedes you might get into a car accident and die, so He gave you a Lexus instead. Get me?"
"Ya, I do," I said.
"Wow, your religion is very interesting," Scott remarked.
"Thank you," Amatuallah said. "I love my religion, no matter how many people bother me because of it. Allah knows what is best for me and He will test me in different ways that will bring me closer to Him, and so that He could guide me. I know that this is a test from Allah, and for that, I am grateful."

Islam- the religion of Muslims
Alhamduallah- thank god
Duaa- prayer
Allah- god

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