chapter 17

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hey guys yay im on time this week well heres the chapter hope u enjoy 

 Susanna Wilson pov  

"I need those two kids called in this instant!" commanded Officer Blake.

Principal Franklin quickly pulled out her phone. She dialed one number after the other, and received satisfactory answers from both of them. After a short while, the two came in, one after the other. Amy arrived first, with Michael right on her heels.

"Do you know anything about what happened today?" Officer Blake interrogated.

"A fire drill, right?" Amy guessed.

"No it wasn't, and you know that!" he shot back.

"Oh silly me! It wasn't a drill; it was real," Amy chuckled nervously.

"Speak properly!" he demanded. "If you don't want to tell me why the school was evacuated, then maybe you can tell me about this note!

Amy looked at it. "I've never seen it before," she declared.

"Same here," Michael echoed.

"Ask Amatuallah over there. She's the one who signed it," Amy said. "She always likes to cause problems."

"I'm not asking about Amatuallah," he said calmly. "Why did you write this? Do you know how much trouble you could get into legally for writing this?"

Amy turned pale white. "I...We... that doesn't mean we did it!" Amy cried.

"Michael? Why are you so quiet?" Officer Blake asked.

"There's nothing for me to say," he said, startled.

"How about you give your opinion on all this?" he asked.

"Um, I think you are wasting your time. You already know who's guilty," Michael swallowed.

Officer Blake smiled. "Yes, yes I do."

"Okay then, arrest her!" Michael said.

Officer Blake turned to Amy. "You okay with that?"

"Of course," she smiled. "That woman caused enough problems as is."

"I couldn't agree more. Amy, put your hands out," he ordered, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

Amy gasped. "What? Why are you arresting me? I had nothing to do with this!"

Officer Blake said, "You and I both know you are lying. It wasn't Amatuallah who wrote this, and if you don't confess, then-".

"I confess!" Amy yelled. "It was him!" she pointed at Michael. "He did this and I found out. I was going to get him in trouble but he threatened me and I had to stay silent."

"What?" Michael exclaimed. "You little liar! It was your idea! I just carried it out for you!"

"Shut up!" Amy hissed. "You are getting us both in trouble!"

"That he is," Officer Blake smiled. "You are both guilty and we all know it."

"But, it wasn't even my idea!" Michael wailed.

"If a bystander is as guilty as a bully, how guilty do you think you are?" Officer Blake posed a rhetoric question. "Now, since you two do not have any criminal records, you will not be arrested for this. However, I do need to meet with both of your parents, and this will go down in your records. As for your punishment, I will leave that up to your principal. Principal Franklin?"

"Thank you Officer," Principal Franklin cleared her throat. "You will both have two weeks of suspension each, and then two weeks of community service, one week cleaning the school and another cleaning the police station. Of course, your parents will be notified of this, and further misbehavior will lead to automatic expulsion. Am I understood?"

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