Chapter 2:Who's My Mate?

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The mating ceremony is at the Alpha's house. It always is.

John drove Julie and I to the ceremony.

"Good luck lil sis." He said teasingly.

"I don't need luck. You do. You don't want to go home mateless again, do you?"

He growled at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Your brother looks hot in that tux."

"Julie, don't make me puke."

"What? I'm just saying."

"Let's just go to the living room."

"Fine, but I still think he's hot."

I went to the living room with Julie. It was huge. But what I loved the most about it was the flat screen tv.

"I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"No I'm good."

I went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. I found a coke and tried to reach it. I heard chuckling behind me. I turned around to see who it was. Since all the lights were dimmed I couldn't see who it was. All I could tell was that it was just another guy.

"Do you need help?" He asked me.

"Um, no I'm good?" I didn't mean for it to come out as a question.

He laughed. "Are you sure?"


He cane over in my direction after I told him not to. So I kept tip-toeing trying to reach it before he did. He was about 6 foot 5, obviously taller than me, so he could reach it without a problem. His hand brushed up on mine and I felt a shock.

We both turned to see each other. Our eyes locked. Then I was shocked to see who it was. It was the Alpha's son.

"You're my mate?!?" We asked/screamed in unison.

"Um yea I guess." Arrg I hate it when I'm nervous.

"Yea same here."

He looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm Drew. I'm the Alpha's son."

"I know. I'm Nicole."

"You look beautiful." He said while trying to reach hold of my hand. I grabbed it happily.

I blushed after holding his hand. I was glad he couldn't see me blushing. What happened next got me by surprise. He started kissing me. It was wonderful.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. I liked it." I said with a smile.

He grabbed my hand and started walking with me to the kitchen. He grabbed the coke I was trying to get before and grabbed one for himself. He handed me my can and held my hand. Whenever he touched me I still felt shocks.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to my friend Julie?"

"Sure. Where is she?"

"She's in the living room."

We started walking towards the living room hand in hand. On the way everyone stared at us. I was thinking it was because they thought I was his mate. It was very uncomfortable but I kept it to myself.

Something else surprised me. My best friend and my brother were having a make out session right in front of me.

Both Drew and I kept staring. After about 10 minutes I tapped John's shoulder. When he turned around there was shock in his eyes.

"Why were you two making out?"

"He's my mate." Julie said with a smile from ear to ear.

"OMG!!! Congrats! I know how mu-"I was interrupted by John.

"Why are you holding hands with the Alpha's son." John, just like all my other brothers are, is really overprotective.

"Drew's my mate."

Drew bent down to kiss me as if on cue.

I could see John's wolf wanting to be present. I could tell Drew was afraid of my brother so we left the living room.

"He doesn't like me does he?"

"He does. He's just being so overprotective."

"He does know that that's my job now right?"

"I guess so." and I laughed. I could tell Drew was a bit mad but let it go.

He held me close and took me to the patio.

There we started making out.

The thing that annoyed me was having the picture of my best friend and brother making out stuck in my head. I definitely didn't want that while I was with my mate.

After about 10 minutes we stopped. I instantly saw my brother and Julie walking towards us. Julie was mostly being shoved by John for trying to stop him. I knew he was about to attack Drew. John lifted Drew up and growled at me to stay away. I stayed in place shocked at the scene in front of me.


What do you guys think?

Comment below what I should write about for the next chapter.


I was thinking you guys could write short stories that describe how the other four couples met. :D

Just inbox me. You get full credit ;)

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