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Mackenzie -

Since I was a small child, I had always dreamed of finding my "one true love" just like they say in the Disney movies. Someone that I could go to for anything, tell my deepest and darkest fears to, and just.. love unconditionally, with no restrictions.

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Mackenzie Nicole Smith, and I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. I am 17 years old, and I am currently in my junior year of high school. Most people despise high school with a passion, but me? I'm okay with it. No, I'm not the most popular girl in school, but I'm not bullied like most kids, so I consider myself fairly lucky. Another thing you should know about me, and well.. everyone. We have these rings. 

When we were born, we were given these special rings to be given to us by our parents on our sixteenth birthday. Now I know what you're thinking. "What does a stupid ring have to do with anything?" This ring has initials on the back. The initials represent our future spouse's name. For example, mine say LRH. What that means, I have no idea. It's kinda like a scavenger hunt. How do you find out when you have met your future spouse? Simple. The jewel on the sterling silver band will turn a bright red color when you're 500 feet away from them.

It's basically an arranged marriage. Stupid, right? The government did this to reduce the amount of birth rates from growing so heavily. But.. some people don't know how to keep their pants pulled up, yes I'm talking about you Louis Tomlinson, so the birth rate still grows. In my opinion, the ring is a stupid idea. 

"Mac!," Katie said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "What?," I asked, looking straight at her, returning from my daydream. She laughed, rolling her eyes, "Ready to go?" I nodded, picking my backpack off the floor, and walked out of the school, walking in the direction of her car. 

* * * 

Once we were in her car, I got a text from an unknown number.

From : Unknown 

wassup babygirl ;-)

I was confused, and slightly creeped out. I rolled my eyes at the unknown number and replied instantly.

To : Unknown

Um, who are you? And why are you calling me babygirl? 

I sighed, and put my head back against her headrest. Katie looked over at me, from the drivers seat, laughing, "What's wrong with you?" "Some creep is texting me," I said, shrugging my shoulders and reading the text that just came through.

From : Unknown

wait, u rn't the girl from da club last nite? :-(

I let out a loud laugh, "This guy is pathetic!" "How?," she asked, leaning over to the passengers seat, trying to read the text. "He doesn't even know the girls name that he met at a club last night. And he can't type worth a shit," I said, sighing.

To : Fuckboy

Sooo... You're basically a fuckboy? And also, you really should learn to spell- You're starting to make no sense.

If almost instantly, he replied.

From : Fuckboy

nah, me mom won't let me be a fuckboi. LOL if you think i don't make sense, u should talk to my mate harry. that dude is messed up xD

I rolled my eyes for like the 10th time today, and got out of her car, walking up to her house. Today should be interesting.

(A/N: Hi guys! I'm editing this story! :D I hope you guys take the time to vote, and comment, because I'm trying to make this story more enjoyable for you guys. Also, I'm writing this on my laptop, so I'm trying to make the chapters longer! Remember, vote, comment, tell a friend, etc. 


- Logan)

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