The drawing girl

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---Phil's POV---

I walk out of the coffeeshop and can't stop thinking about Aryka. She was smiling but there were flicks of sadness in her eyes. Dan sent me another text:

Phil... i think i may have hurt one of your houseplants. AND THE DIRT IS ALL OVER THE FLOOR!

I smile at the phone, that boy can be a real handful sometimes, but at least he's mine. I start typing my reply:

How dare you Daniel! Was it SUSAN?!?!! Haha I'll take care of it when I get home, almost there xx

I send the text and arrive at my building. Honestly if these stairs weren't part of my daily routine I don't know if I would even fit through the door. I walk in only to find Dan attempting to make my houseplant look okay again... With duct tape. I can't help but melt when his chocolate brown eyes look up at me with a look that could only be pure innocence, not that he's innocent at all.

"I didn't mean to! I just walked past and POOF! It was just laying there in a heap of its own soil!" Dan tries to explain while I just roll my eyes at him.

"It's fine love, do we still have the vacuum cleaner? Or did you break it too?" I lean down and kiss his forehead.

"You make it sound like I break everything! I don't even touch the vacuum!" He always looks so cute when he's defending himself. It's part of the reason I love helping with his videos.

"Okay okay no need to be so defensive, I'll go check in the hall closet" I say walking to get the vacuum, wondering if I would see Aryka again. I start vacuuming until I accidentally vacuum Dan.

"Okay I realize I'm dirty but its not physical dirt Phil," Dan says laughing, "what's on your mind babe?"

"I saw this girl at the coffee shop and I can't shake the feeling that she's lost. She was drawing, and had that fresh off the plane American accent"

"Only you would say 'fresh off the plane' Phil" Dan smiles at me, "we're going out grocery shopping tomorrow, if we see her you can check up on her"

"Okay love." I finish cleaning up Dan's mess and then go into my room to start filming.

"Hi guys! So I just met this girl who was amazing at art!"

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