Wait... Where do I go?

4 1 2

I walk out of the airport and realize that I didn't plan anything past my touchdown in London. I guess I'm just homeless now, great I think to myself. I start walking around London, there are so many things to draw here. I walk into a coffee shop and sit down trying to figure out what I'll do for a place to live. I order a coffee and start drawing the shop. The wood walls, the modern looking tables. I just fall into my own little drawing world. I feel a presence sit down across from me and I look up. It's a taller guy wearing a shirt with owls strewn across it. His hair was the color of a raven's feathers.

"Hello," I say as my hand starts moving across the paper again, "I'm Aryka."
"I'm Phil and that's a really impressive drawing," he says with a warm smile on his face.
"Thanks" I blush a little, not used to the positivity.
"You don't sound like you're from here"
"I'm not," I chuckle before saying, "is my american accent that noticeable?"
He smiles "Am I that draw-able?" He points to where I drew a person who looks just like him in the shop.
"Oh sorry! I- um... It's a habit" I start to erase his slender figure from my drawing when he stops me.
"It's really fine," his phone goes off and he shakes his head, "I have to go deal with my friend's mess in our flat, see you soon?"
"Sure, that would be nice." I say as he leaves the table putting on a fluffy jumper. I watch him leave the coffee shop and see that he left me his phone number.

In case you want to talk sooner than the next time we meet

Phil L

I smile and put the paper in my jeans pocket after I pack away my other things. I don't have my own phone right now but maybe that will change after a little while. I start strolling through the park across the street from the coffee shop and check to see how much money I have. Not near enough to get a place to stay you idiot I hear the little voice in my head tell me. When it gets late I sit down under a tree and doze of, sitting on top of my luggage and thinking about how this is a clean slate for me. I can finally pursue whatever I want. The image of the raven haired boy floats in my dreams.


A/N okay... Slightly less shit of a chapter.... Anyways! Thanks to anyone reading this! I know it's moving slow but I'm trying to get the word count up without the story falling apart. Have a wonderful day my little nuggets!

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