Flying Away

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I finish packing what's left of my life that's been shattered. It should have been me that died, I was driving. I put my photo album under all of my clothes, unable to bear seeing her face. I have to get away and clear my head. I spent half of my last paycheck on one way tickets to London, a place where I can just draw my worries away. The only place that won't remind me of her and how much life she had left to live. I see a drop of water hit my suitcase and realize I'm crying... I just feel numb. I make my way out of my apartment leaving my keys on the landlords desk. It's time for a new life, away from this shit one.


I board my flight and put on my headphones drowning out everything around me with Bring Me The Horizon. I'm seated by a woman and what appears to be her daughter, I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I remember that I met that wonderful human being when I was that young. I turn up the volume to try to forget. I take out my sketch book and draw the clouds out my window, I start drawing people dancing in the clouds when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around taking off my headphones and see the little girl.
"What are you drawing?" She asks me with her eyes full of curiosity.
"People dancing in the clouds." I reply forcing a small smile on my face.
"Who's that?" She points at one of the people that I drew, the only person I could see in that face was that poor lost soul that I take the blame for.
"That's Jayleigh, she was my best friend." I say, my smile fading.
"What happened? Why isn't she your best friend anymore?"
"She died, that's why she's in the clouds."
The little girl hugs me and then starts playing on her moms phone. I put away my sketchbook and blast Simple Plan until the flight lands.


((A/N I know this was a shit chapter and was super short but I just wanted to get this thing started so now you know the main character. I promise this story won't be nearly as terrible after this chapter! Love you all! ))

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