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I looked up from my book at the interrupting sound of the door swinging open to the library. To my surprise, Simon walked in. I started to grin, thinking he had come to see me but then Josh and JJ walked in behind him. My smile faltered.

"Boys, this is a library which means silence." The small, petrified looking librarian uttered.

JJ looked at her and then reached over, swiftly pushing a row of books off the shelve. I jumped a little at the harsh sound ringing off the walls.

"Oops, my hand slipped." JJ smiled as Simon and Josh howled with laughter behind him.

Then Simon took hold of one of the books, and began ripping out the pages. With a one-sided smirk, he tossed them in the bin and then pulled out a lighter. A few minutes later, the bin roaring flames and the smell of smoke began to rise.

The librarian screamed and pulled the fire alarm immediately, running to open the door. I gathered my stuff, and walked straight up to Simon.

"What the fuck?" I shouted, over the loud commotion.

When Simon saw me, his mouth fell open in surprise and he failed to answer me. Josh walked over and slung his arm around Simon. This was when Simon's expression changed, his whole face became blank.

"Relax, it's just a little fun." He snorted with laughter and then led Josh towards the door, JJ following suit.

I took the other exit, hurrying to find where I was supposed to be for the fire drill. My mind was buzzing with so many things, as I tried to come to terms with what had just happened.

"Willow, I know you. I can tell when you're lying so don't say you're okay when you're obviously not."

I sighed. Yeah, I appreciate how Tobi cares about me but I was just not up for all these questions. That would involve me telling him the truth and I didn't want to see that hurt look on his face.

"Seriously, I'm just tired." I mumbled, rubbing circles into my forehead.

He studied me for a moment and I was thankful when he didn't push it.

"I'll leave you to rest then." He murmured, kissing me on the forehead and then walking out the room.

Once the door was shut, I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't need my guard up now, all alone. So I made my way to the balcony overlooking the school grounds.

Swinging my legs over, as usual,I focused on the soft colour filling the sky. I realised then, it was a strange beauty. The sun drowned every night in order to let the moon to live. Sacrifice for those you love, it's powerful.

My eyes drifted shut as I thought about all those stolen nights with Simon. Laughing until the sun came up and fake wrestling on our rooftop. It was like a cliche love story beginning but not from Simon's point of view.

Where was he now? Probably out getting high with his mates, maybe girls were there, too. I felt a sickening dread at the thought of him with another girl.

I slowly trudged back to my dorm room and switched off the lights even thought it was only 9:00pm. The sweet sound of music filled my ears as I curled into bed, not bothering to change into pyjamas.

Kayleigh had sent me a text saying she would be out tonight, I wondered who she was with and whether it was Vik. They'd been acting up around each other since the party.

I suddenly got up, ripping my earphones out my ears. If people were going out and having fun, so could I. Why did I have to be holed up in my room overthinking something stupid? No idiot boy with beautiful eyes is going to get in the way of me having fun.

I swapped my soft white dress for a short black tennis skirt and a glittery tank top. Paired with black converses and some eyeliner, I made my way out the back of the building.


"I'll have another martini, thanks." I smiled, batting my eyelashes at the bartender who seemed to be very interested in the design of my top. I was deeply intoxicated and my thoughts were a mess.

"Slow down, darling. Drinking alone is never a good idea." A tall dark-haired boy said to the right of me.

"Why don't you come join me then?" I smirked, slurring my words.

He grinned, flashing a set of dazzling white teeth and came up behind me.

"You're very beautiful, you know." He whispered, brushing my hair to the side to expose my neck. "Wanna go somewhere more private?"

Then, he was suddenly dragged backwards and I heard him slump to the floor, groaning in pain.

"I think not." The familiar sarcastic voice snorted.

"What are you doing? Things were just starting to get interesting." I smirked, trying to stand up to face Simon but stumbling forward, instead. A pair of hands immediately caught me from falling over completely and I leaned into the black hoodie, defeated.

I felt my legs leaving the ground and then I was being placed on a leather car seat with the hoodie draped around me. The last thing I remembered was hearing soft music, I didn't recognise it but it soothed me.

My eyelids fluttered open to a white ceiling. I looked around, I was in my own dorm room. It was just a dream.

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